Chapter 860
"I'm not wronged." Rong Jun said quickly, looking at her like a torch.

"Oh, Rong Yun, if you have any grievances in the future, just tell me."

"No." Rong Yun said without hesitation.

Yi Shuihan had nothing to say.

"Shuihan, I'm going to see my elder brother, you can rest here for a while."

"Wait a minute, won't you arrange a room for me?" Yi Shuihan called to stop him, and those maidservants looked at her as if she was seducing Rong Jun.

"...This is your room too." After saying that, Rong Yun ran away in despair.

She didn't know whether to cry or laugh, she succeeded in seducing.

In the evening, everyone in the Rong family was in the front hall, except for Rong Yun and Yi Shuihan, who didn't usually have dinner so early, maybe everyone didn't want to be late, so they came early.

Yi Shuihan and Rong Yun came to the front hall, and seeing that there were two seats vacant, she felt that it was over again, and she was late for the first meal together.

"The baby is late, let father and mother wait for a long time." Rong Yun said.

"Shuihan is late, let father and mother wait for a long time." Yi Shuihan followed up.

"It's because we arrived early. You're welcome as a family. Let's all sit down." The owner's wife is like a housewife.

After Rong Yun and Yi Shuihan were seated, the maids immediately brought out the dishes, and all casually looked at this strange yet familiar young lady.

The owner's wife looked at the two sons who were rare to see, and said: "It's rare that the whole family is here, so Luo'er, San'er and Shuihan can stay for a few more days."

Rong Luo nodded: "Well, mother, I won't leave anytime soon."

Rong Yun said: "Mother, we may..."

Yi Shuihan said: "Okay, thank you mother."

Rong Rong smiled and said: "Great, the eldest brother, the third brother and the third sister-in-law are all here, it's too boring to only have me and the second brother at home."

Yi Shuihan's expression flickered, Third Sister-in-law?this title...

Rong Yu said: "Why is Qianxue missing?"

Yi Shuihan said: "She went to the north."

Rong Yu was sad for a moment, and worried: "The weather in the north is not good, and there are often sandstorms. What is she going there for?"

Yi Shuihan said: "If you show your strength, you probably won't come back in a few years."

Rong Rong was a little envious: "Qianxue is really free, she can do whatever she wants, even when I leave home, I have to get my mother's approval first, then my father's approval, and finally I have to have a few tails to follow."

Rong Yun said: "Qianxue is going to do business, you are going to play."

The chatterbox opened up, and the conversation and laughter at the table made the dinner more pleasant.

After the meal, the servant girl served tea, and a burst of tea fragrance spread.

The owner's wife said: "Shuihan, you and San'er are already husband and wife, but you haven't worshiped in the Rong family yet. The Rong family is considered to be on the way of the rivers and lakes. They don't care about trivial details and don't pay much attention to red tape. Let San'er take you to pay homage tomorrow. The following ancestors."

"Okay, mother." Yi Shuihan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if she was asked to hold a wedding, she really didn't have the courage.

"Shui Han, I heard that your father was ill, how is it now?" the owner's wife asked again.

"It's ready, there's no big problem." After being asked this question, Yi Shuihan remembered the problem of delivering the letter, and asked Xueying to come to Nanlin Villa later.

"Sister-in-law three, you are going back to Tianshui Kingdom, can you take me with you?" Rong Rong asked obediently.

"No." Rong Yun looked at Rong Rong warningly.

Yi Shuihan didn't speak, she didn't dare to abduct the jewel of the Rong family.

After chatting for a while, it was getting late, so they went back separately.

(End of this chapter)

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