Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 903 Ending: Happy World 19

Chapter 903 Ending: Happy World 19
All the beautiful men looked ahead intently, with solemn expressions, with expectations, warmth, excitement, and hope in their eyes, such expressions would make the world eclipse.

There is a vast sea ahead, with no end in sight. Dawn is the time when day and night are handed over, and it is the prelude to illuminating the entire sky.

The sky began to turn pale, and after a while, a little red dawn broke out and slowly climbed up from the sea level.

The red light pierced the sky and slowly rose, completely obliterating the night.

The sun rises in the east, dispelling the clouds and dispersing the fog. In an instant, the sun shines for thousands of miles, the sun sprays colors, melts gold for thousands of miles, and the floating light leaps into gold. A new day has begun again.

The soft morning light scattered on the blue sea, shining silver spots, jumping like pearls falling to the ground.

The eight figures on the sea were covered with golden spots, and the figures were elongated, and the morning light shone in their eyes, showing their youthfulness and brilliance in the prosperous age.

Yi Shuihan stretched out his palm, and the spot of light danced on her palm, kissed her smooth forehead, and flicked on her hair...

The sun illuminates the entire sky, shines into the bottom of everyone's heart, and bathes in this beautiful morning light.

The smell of seafood came from the cabin behind her. Qing Lian sniffed and looked back.

Seeing this, everyone laughed.

"Qinglian, you ruined the romantic atmosphere." Wushang shook his head pretending to be regretful.

"I think dining at the dining table is more romantic." Qinglian took Yi Shuihan's hand and walked quickly to the cabin.


A few days later, the big ship arrived at the port on the border of Beiming Kingdom, and a group of people landed on the shore. After a short rest, they hired a carriage and set off slowly towards Tongcheng.

It was a leisurely stroll along the way, and it was very pleasant. On the way, I visited the local scenic spots and historic sites. It took more than ten days at this speed to arrive in Tongcheng.

Returning to the Changyi Garden in Luohu Town, everyone’s state of mind has changed, especially when they saw this Changyi Garden, they were full of emotions. Many things that are most worthy of collection and memory happened here.

Qian Nuo came to Yi Shuihan's room to help her pack her luggage. When he came to this familiar room, he remembered something that had been hidden in his heart for a long time. He wanted to ask Shuihan, but he didn't know where to start.

"Qiannuo, what do you have to say?" Yi Shuihan saw that he hesitated to speak, and Qiannuo couldn't tell a lie, but his thoughts were hard to guess, Qiannuo was a weirdo.

"Shuihan, in this room two years ago, why did you..." Qian Nuo paused, not knowing what to say, he thought it was strange that the water was cold that night, and why there were two bathtubs with ice water, if If he guessed correctly, Shui Han had to have sex with him that night.

"Why did you bring this up all of a sudden?" Yi Shuihan coughed a little unnaturally. Why did Qian Nuo bring it up for so long without a reason? She was really embarrassed to say what happened that day, but she didn't want to lie to Qian Nuo. promise.

"Because you were abnormal that day." Qian Nuo thought of her look that day, which would make him obsessed, and even make him lose his mind, as if in a dream.

Hearing this, Yi Shuihan was embarrassed for a rare time, she really scared Qian Nuo that day, oh my god, her image in Qian Nuo's mind was ruined.

"Shuihan, is there any difficulty you can't tell me?"

"No, no, it's actually like this..." Yi Shuihan tried his best to explain the events of that day as simply as possible.

"Shui Han, do you have to do it?" Qian Nuo asked, staring at her blankly, his eyes full of disappointment.

"Of course not. In fact, I already liked you when I was in Ningcheng." Yi Shuihan smiled at him seductively, but it was difficult to do so at that time.

"Really? Why didn't you tell me then?" Qian Nuo was pleasantly surprised, and the haze just now swept away.

"At that time, everyone's identities were special, and I would definitely leave Ningcheng, it was impossible to be trapped in one place, and my identity was a mystery, and I had just established a secret pavilion, so I was very busy, how could I have time to confess my love to you? .”

"Shui Han, you can ask me to help you." Qian Nuo was a little bit blamed. At that time, she kept so many things from him, and it was so hard to deceive him.

"At that time, I didn't know you very well, and I couldn't kidnap you. You are a good young man, and you must have made a great achievement and achieved a lot of dominance."

"I don't need these." Qian Nuo hastily interrupted her, looking at her with blazing eyes, all he needed was her.

"Then what do you need?" Yi Shuihan looked at him with a smile on his face, while Qian Nuo was always taciturn.He felt very cold, but now he looks so nervous and cute.

"You." He only said one word, then hugged her gently, his eyes were as bright as obsidian.

(End of this chapter)

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