Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 907 Ending: Happy World 23

Chapter 907 Ending: Happy World 23
The beautiful men didn't have the heart to hear the sound of horseshoes and continued to fight the kite, but they had to stop when they saw someone coming. They didn't even have time to close the coil. The kite lost control and fell to nowhere.

Yi Shuihan couldn't relax either, he narrowed his phoenix eyes, something interesting happened.

Only Ling Yiran and Qing Lianhe didn't know the person here, and they became vigilant when they saw that the faces of other people were not very good-looking.

The sound of horseshoes stopped, and the leader was dressed in a bright red gauze dress, which was gorgeous but not vulgar, charming but not bewitching, with a graceful figure, snow-like skin, and beautiful eyes, charming and charming, but without any affectation or dusty air, and It is high-profile and arrogant, defiant.

There were several handsome men behind him, one of them was Li Ziyuan, son of the Li family who fought Fu Hongshuang at the martial arts conference two years ago.

In this scene, the originally clear sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.

"Who are they?" Qinglian asked.

"The woman's name is Fu Hongshuang, but the man doesn't know." Yi Shuihan said strangely with gloomy eyes and pursed lips.

When Ling Yiran heard this, he looked at Fu Hongshuang squarely. Even though he didn't know much about Jianghu, he had heard of the name Fu Hongshuang a lot.

"What's the relationship with Fu Hongchen?" Qing Lian immediately became vigilant, he only heard the name Fu Hongchen last night.

"Brother-sister relationship." Yi Shuihan said.

Here, Fu Hongshuang got off the horse, and after sweeping the crowd, she finally fixed her eyes on Yi Shuihan.

"Shuihan, the seventh emperor of Tianshui Kingdom?" It was not a question, but an affirmative sentence.

"What advice does Master Fu have?" Yi Shuihan casually glanced at Fu Hongshuang, it didn't look like he was here to rob someone, nor did he look like he was here to play tricks.

"Hmph, it's just like the rumors, ruthless and unlucky." Fu Hongshuang snorted coldly, eyes full of contempt.

Everyone was confused when they heard this, Fu Hongshuang was full and had nothing to do, so she came here to scold Yi Shuihan for no reason?

"Are you talking about me?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows. Although there was a little bit of it, there was no need for others to criticize her!

"Hmph, who else but you?" Fu Hongshuang snorted again.

"What happens to me is none of your business?!" Yi Shuihan is not a vegetarian either, this is a contest between women.

"I also don't think it's my business. Who told you to hurt my brother? You also looked at his body, underestimated him, almost ate him, and finally abandoned him. Now he looks half-dead, which makes me upset. Otherwise, do you think that I am full and come to find you?"

The words are not surprising, and a row of crows fly across the sky.

All the beautiful men were stunned, startled, and angry. Fu Hongshuang didn't look like he was joking, and it was not surprising that Shuihan did such a thing.

"Who did I disrespect? Who did I abandon?" Yi Shuihan was also stunned, dumb eating Coptis chinensis, unable to tell the pain, when did she do such a thing?Could it be made by the previous water cold?
"Hmph, you still don't admit it, that night was the night of the full moon, my brother will definitely lock himself in the palace of hell, you must have peeped at him when you broke in, and even touched him, otherwise he wouldn't be so angry , In the end, you failed to commit the crime and set fire to him, causing him to be unconscious for a few days."

"You're insane. It's your brother who wants to kill me. I didn't even think about peeping at him. It's because he has no clothes on. If I don't set fire to it, I may be trapped in the gate of hell. Your brother will never let me go."

Um?Wushang and Qian Nuo looked at Yi Shuihan sadly. Shuihan didn't explain it that way that day and didn't mention all the important points, so is she lying?She always avoids the important and ignores the trivial when speaking, and she deceives people so hard!

(End of this chapter)

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