Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 916 Ending: Happy World 32

Chapter 916 Ending: Happy World 32
Everyone was furious, and said in unison: "Let your head of the family go, she won't go!"

Such a strong aura, the man's cold sweat dripped down his forehead, he said bravely: "Miss, please be sure to invite me, the head of my family has said, see you soon."

"Then let your family master go to hell!" Mo Ningxun said coldly, if he wasn't on the street now, he would have killed this errand runner long ago.

"Miss, the head of my family only wants to see you, and has no other intentions. Please go there." The man gritted his teeth and said with the mentality that he must die.

"Okay, I'll go." Yi Shuihan was helpless, she wanted to see what Fu Hongchen meant.

"Yi Shuihan!" Ling Yiran glared at her viciously, but she actually accepted the invitation!To blatantly invite them in front of their faces? !Simply ignore them!
"Okay, let's go then." Wushang was the first to compromise, Shui Han had already agreed, and it's useless to get angry, why don't you go see Fu Hongchen and settle this matter thoroughly.

"Then go quickly, it's getting late." Several other people had no objections and followed Yi Shuihan's footsteps.

"Please, gentlemen please stop by. The master of my family only invited this young lady." The man was sweating profusely. He knew that these gentlemen had strong martial arts skills, and he couldn't deal with any of them, let alone seven of them.

"What?" Everyone glared.

"Wait for me here, an hour." Yi Shuihan's sharp eyes swept over everyone.

"Okay, just an hour, but after an hour you have to come back alone. If there are more unnecessary people, I don't know what the consequences will be." Chengbi's lips were raised, but there was no smile at all, and the eyes were full of smiles. Anger and coldness are like poppies on fire.

"Shuihan, you go early and come back early." Rong Yun's eyes flickered for a while, and he managed to squeeze out a sentence.

"I'll go back quickly." Yi Shuihan secretly rejoiced in his heart, even Rong Yun couldn't hold back.

The errand man breathed a sigh of relief, and walked ahead to lead the way, which took him a lot of effort.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, I came to a small forest, which was dark and gloomy, and I couldn't see anything, let alone people.

"The owner of the door is inside. If it's a little inconvenient to go in, please go in by yourself." The man bowed and said respectfully.

Yi Shuihan was suspicious, but didn't say anything, and walked straight into the woods.

The man looked around and saw that Yi Shuihan had gone far away, so he quickly turned back and returned to his command.

The elegant room on the second floor of the restaurant.

Still drinking and eating well, with a beautiful man in his arms, Fu Hongshuang said casually, "Has Fu Hongchen invited?"

"The head of the door was a little skeptical, but he accepted the invitation and is now heading to the grove." The man replied, it is not surprising that the two brothers and sisters, the head of the door and the deputy head of the door, call each other names.

At this time, another man came in, it was the man who invited Yi Shuihan just now: "Deputy sect master, Yi Shuihan has already gone to the grove."

"Very good, everything is ready, I only owe Dongfeng." Fu Hongshuang was in a good mood, and she drank another glass, and wanted to drink to her heart's content today.

As soon as the words were finished, another person came in to announce: "Qi to the deputy sect master, the people from Jue Sha Lou are here."

The east wind is coming, Fu Hongshuang smiled: "Please quickly invite the people from Jue Sha Lou to come in, it will be bad if you miss the important event."

There were a total of 21 people who came, one from Tiandi Xuanhuang, and 72 from the 20 evil spirits. It can be seen how much capital this time the evil spirits have gone downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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