Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 921 Ending: Happy World 37

Chapter 921 Ending: Happy World 37
There was the sound of the arrow scraping flesh, followed by a muffled groan, as Fu Hongchen's forearm was grazed by the arrow.

After all, there was the sound of retreating in the woods, and in a split second, the woods returned to tranquility, leaving only a strong smell of blood behind.

"You idiot!" Yi Shuihan wanted to give him a slap, and he blocked the arrow for her. They were not familiar with each other, but fortunately, they only hurt his arm, so it shouldn't hurt his bones.

Fu Hongchen stood motionless, looking at her in a daze, the scene in front of him gradually becoming hazy.

Yi Shuihan saw that something was wrong with him, maybe the arrow was poisoned, so he immediately took his hand to pick up his sleeve, but it was scratched, and the blood was also normal red, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

Fu Hongchen frowned, the scene in front of him became more and more blurred, and finally it was pitch black.

"What's wrong with you?" Yi Shuihan saw that his eyes were blank, so he stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him.

Fu Hongchen shook his head dully, then fell down, and Yi Shuihan immediately caught him.

Seeing that Yi Shuihan didn't come back for a long time, all the beautiful men went to the woods, smelled the smell of blood, they were shocked, and immediately ran to the woods, they were worried, when they came, they saw corpses everywhere, and saw Yi Shuihan Rest assured that you are safe and sound.

However, this scene made their anger rise sharply, and a strange man fell into Yi Shuihan's arms.

"What happened?" Ling Yiran suppressed the anger in his heart and asked with a good temper.

"It's from Jue Sha Lou." Yi Shuihan was still holding another person, and Fu Hongchen was unconscious.

"Shui Han, are you not injured?" Qian Nuo walked over and asked worriedly, he wanted to check, but saw someone hanging on her body, and his hands froze.

"I'm fine, but he seems to have something to do." Yi Shuihan looked at Fu Hongchen, if something happened to Fu Hongchen, she could hardly absolve herself of the blame.

"Who is he?" Mo Ningxun and Wushang dragged Fu Hongchen out of Yi Shuihan's arms with each hand.

When Wushang saw this face, his eyes turned cold, and he gritted his teeth: "Fu Hongchen?"

When all the beautiful men heard the name, their eyes fell on Fu Hongchen. Is this person Fu Hongchen?

Mo Ningxun and Wushang looked at each other, and were about to throw Fu Hongchen out, but were stopped by Yi Shuihan in time.

"Don't throw it away, he's injured, his hand was scratched by the arrow, and the arrow was aimed at me." Yi Shuihan stroked his forehead, implying that Fu Hongchen was injured because of her and must be rescued.

But in the ears of all the beauties, Yi Shuihan was worried about Fu Hongchen no matter how he heard it.

"Then don't throw it away." Wushang and Mo Ningxun let go together tacitly, and Fu Hongchen fell to the ground.

Yi Shuihan was a little annoyed, and immediately went over to check if Fu Hongchen was injured.

Seeing this, all the beautiful men felt even more uncomfortable. What kind of thing is Fu Hongchen, and Shui Han is so nervous and concerned.

Wushang is a doctor, but it is his usual style to stand on the sidelines, and finally seeing Yi Shuihan like this, no matter how reluctant he is, he has no choice but to treat Fu Hongchen's wounds.

"He's fine, the arrow is coated with ecstasy, and he's just in a coma for a while." Wushang tore off Fu Hongchen's sleeve, and casually bandaged it.

All the beautiful men looked at each other after hearing this, how to deal with Fu Hongchen's trouble now, Fu Hongchen was in a coma and couldn't be driven away, if he was thrown here, Shui Han would definitely not agree.

In the end, everyone unanimously decided to send Fu Hongchen to Fu Hongshuang, but when they dragged the patient Fu Hongchen to the restaurant where Fu Hongshuang was just now, the private room was already empty.

As a last resort, he had to take Fu Hongchen back to the most remote courtyard of the mansion Yi Shuihan bought for placement.

Yi Shuihan immediately sent a letter to Fengying to thoroughly investigate the matter. It made sense that Jueshalou wanted to kill him, but why did he involve Fu Hongchen?The man in black just now didn't seem to know Fu Hongchen.There is another doubt, why did the group who shot arrows in the woods suddenly retreat?

The last thing, Yi Shuihan immediately sent someone to inform Hell Gate, asking Fu Hongshuang to quickly bring Fu Hongchen back.

(End of this chapter)

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