Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 924 Ending: Happy World 40

Chapter 924 Ending: Happy World 40
Yi Shuihan sang a one-man show for an hour before leaving. It was almost noon at this time, and Ling Yiran and the others hadn't been seen all morning. They must be planning something.

In the front hall, all the beauties had already found someone to escort Fu Hongchen back to the gate of hell, now it was only a matter of how to explain to Shui Han and how to drive Fu Hongchen away.

"Shuihan, you came just in time, I have something to tell you." The beautiful men are no longer angry, and anger is useless, it will only give Fu Hongchen an opportunity, and sending Fu Hongchen away as soon as possible is the right way.

"What's the matter?" Yi Shuihan saw that they all had docile faces, cuter than kittens, but kittens also have sharp claws, not to mention tigers, foxes and wolves.

"Master, I have an urgent letter." The butler rushed into the front hall to report.

Urgent letter?The eyes of all the beautiful men focused on the letter, and they almost wanted to shoot the letter. This letter was like an uninvited guest, even if it came, it would be delivered by Fengying and others.

Yi Shuihan was about to take the letter, but Wushang's hand was faster, and he grabbed the letter from the housekeeper.

"I'm afraid it might be fraudulent, so it's better for me to open it." Wushang smiled softly, as if I was thinking of you.

Yi Shuihan didn't intend to hide anything from them, so he asked Wushang to open it.

Um?When Wushang saw it, his expression changed. This letter came so strangely and so timely!

"What's written in the letter?" Mo Ningxun snatched the letter, and upon seeing it, his expression also changed.

People who haven't read the letter raised their curiosity one after another.

Yi Shuihan snatched the letter and read it, it was a good thing, but she always felt that there was fraud in it.

Cheng Bi took the letter to read, and then showed it to others. After reading the letter one by one, everyone fell silent, canceling their plan to send Fu Hongchen away.

The person who wrote the letter was Fu Hongshuang, saying that he would come to pick up Fu Hongchen within today, and asked Yi Shuihan to take good care of Fu Hongchen.

This is a decent and generous statement, and there is nothing wrong with it, but since Fu Hongshuang said to come today, why bother to send a letter.

"Shuihan, let's take care of Fu Hongchen, don't bother you." Wushang smiled, he will take good care of Fu Hongchen!
"I think Fu Hongchen doesn't need anyone to take care of him." Yi Shuihan blinked, she was worried that they would 'take care' of each other.

All the beautiful men didn't speak, and quickly asked the housekeeper to prepare lunch, and practice it for Fu Hongchen.

After lunch, until dusk, an afternoon passed, but Fu Hongshuang, whom everyone was looking forward to, had not appeared for a long time.


At sunset, the remote courtyard looked even darker, and the doors and windows were closed for another afternoon.

Yi Shuihan was depressed, what the hell was Fu Hongchen locking himself in the room for?
"Fu Hongchen, can you come out?" Yi Shuihan knocked on the door and asked.

The person inside hesitated for a moment, then responded softly, and opened the door very slowly.

Yi Shuihan was speechless to him. Every time she asked a question, he would hesitate for a long time before answering. I don't know if it was a slow response or after careful consideration.

The two walked together to the shade of the tree again. Now the sunset is very soft, and he is not so disgusted.

"Fu Hongchen, your sister said she came to see you today, do you want to go back to the gate of hell?"

Fu Hongchen was taken aback, hesitated for a long time, and then said slowly: "I can go anywhere?"

Yi Shuihan was also stunned, what does this mean?I didn't limit you, "Of course you can go anywhere."

Hearing this, Fu Hongchen didn't move at all, his expression was a little stiff, the calmer he was, the more nervous he was, after what seemed like a century, he said slowly, "Can I stay here?"

What's the meaning?Yi Shuihan looked at him incredulously, she would leave here sooner or later, what was he doing here?Although Fu Hongshuang said that he was interested in her, he still stood up for her, which shocked her enough, but unfortunately, she couldn't repay her.

Seeing her not speaking for a long time, Fu Hongchen looked gloomy, his bloodless face turned paler, and said slowly, "Can I go?"

"You can go wherever you want, and you can stay here, but I won't stay here for a long time, do you understand?" Yi Shuihan said as tactfully as possible.

"I understand." Fu Hongchen said lightly, he understood early in the morning.

Seeing that he didn't respond, Yi Shuihan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, she was really guilty of hurting a handsome man's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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