Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 927 Ending: Happy World 43

Chapter 927 Ending: Happy World 43
Here, in the most remote courtyard, people rushed in aggressively.

With a loud bang, the door of the room was kicked open, and only a weak lamp was lit in the room.

Fu Hongshuang was not surprised by the loud noise at all, and sat calmly, his whole body was silent, probably he was in a daze.

Wushang and the others were very upset. How could Fu Hongchen be so calm?Didn't even give them a look? !
"Fu Hongchen, what do you have to say?" Wushang gave Fu Hongchen a condescending look, and patted the table in front of him.

"I have nothing to say." Fu Hongchen said calmly, still not looking at the crowd.

It's too dragging!Everyone's anger rose sharply, Fu Hongchen didn't take them seriously at all!snort!It will definitely make Fu Hongchen look good in the future!

"Hmph, you have nothing to say, we have something to say!" Ling Yiran said coldly.

"Needless to say, please go back." Fu Hongchen said lightly.

Um?Wushang and the others looked at each other, what does Fu Hongchen mean by this?Actually issued an order to expel them? !Want to drive them away?Don't think about it!
"Fu Hongchen, sign it if you are sensible!" Mo Ningxun threw a thick book in front of Fu.

A book of "Yijia Family Regulations", which is growing in thickness, lasted for a year, and the thickness has changed from a piece of paper to a book.

Qing Lian was very touched when she saw this family rule. At that time, he was also forced to sign it. Unexpectedly, it was his turn to force others to sign it this time.

However, Fu Hongchen was still indifferent, he didn't even look at it, and couldn't shake his emotions at all.

What a blatant disregard!Everyone couldn't believe it, Fu Hongchen dared to shout in front of them? !
"Fu Hongchen, you don't want to sign?" Wushang's eyes showed a cold light, and there was a loud crack, and there was a crack on the table.

"I don't need to promise you anything." Fu Hongchen said lightly.

"Hmph, very good, then get out!" Ling Yiran snorted coldly.

Fu Hongchen was silent, and there was still no extra emotion on his face.

"Mr. Fu, in fact, we have all signed, why don't you sign too." Rong Yun's tone was not bad. Although Fu Hongchen's martial arts were unfathomable, but they beat Fu Hongchen alone, and Fu Hongchen was definitely the only one who was beaten. share.

"Please go back." Fu Hongchen finally frowned and said politely.

Everyone glared and raised their eyebrows. If that's the case, don't blame them for being rude.

"Stop talking nonsense with him, let's go." Mo Ningxun copied the house rules and left first, and then everyone left without even closing the door.

Immediately, the room was silent again, and a night breeze blew outside the door, making the weak candlelight even dimmer.


After Fu Hongshuang settled down, she went to visit Fu Hongchen's courtyard on the grounds of caring for her elder brother.

Seeing this remote courtyard, Fu Hongshuang sighed. It turned out that Fu Hongchen was not favored, but such a dark and remote place was suitable for Fu Hongchen to live in.

The door was open, Fu Hongshuang walked in, and then turned on another lamp. Immediately, the room was slightly brighter.

Fu Hongchen didn't even raise his eyebrows, the more silent he was, the more impatient he was.

"Our two brothers and sisters have lived together for so many years. I know you don't like me, and I don't like my flirtatious, but I am absolutely different from my mother. I can't do things like abandoning my husband and son. I really like them, and they are not clinging to each other. Me, you believe it or not."


Fu Hongshuang poured a glass of water to drink, and continued: "You locked yourself in the shadows, and no one said a word to you. Don't tell me you just locked yourself up like this for the rest of your life. Maybe you think it's nothing, but I'm upset when I see that picture of you. I don't feel comfortable with a face stiffer than wood."

Still silent.

"Think about it carefully. I'm leaving first, and I'll come see you tomorrow." Fu Hongshuang looked at the burning candle. When the time was almost up, she got up and went out, closing the door behind her.

(End of this chapter)

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