Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 941 Extra: June Planet 6

Chapter 941 Extra: June Planet 01
It was the first day of June, and the sky was clear, the sun was shining brightly, and the wind in early summer was very light.

On the outskirts of City A, away from the hustle and bustle of the urban area, there stands a low-key luxury villa. Its location is excellent. It is built on the mountainside, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and there are no other buildings within a radius of ten miles.

After almost two hours of driving, around the mountain road, and then through a tree-lined road, the car finally stopped outside the iron gate of the villa.

Twenty girls got out of the car slowly. They were about fifteen or sixteen years old. They were dressed in uniform white maid uniforms. Not too slow.

They have all been well-trained and have a clean background, which is why they have the opportunity to come here.

The gate opened slowly, green trees and lawns came into view, followed by a white European-style villa.

What came out was a middle-aged butler, his experienced eyes swept over the people outside the door, and he said in a deep voice, "Speak softly, the young master is resting."

After finishing speaking, the butler waved, and the girls nodded slightly, stepping lightly on the blue stone bricks without making a sound.

The girls came in one file at a time, and their slightly clenched hands revealed their nervousness. This time the treatment was extremely high. They were all maids of a hundred, but only three were recruited, and the master personally handpicked their fate. In the hands of the young master.

Twenty girls stood in three rows in the front yard. It was about eleven o'clock at noon, and the sun was shining brightly on their heads.

The housekeeper had been in the front hall for an hour, but he still didn't come out.

A few girls couldn't stand still anymore, took out their handkerchiefs to wipe off their sweat, and secretly looked around. It was a very quiet villa, where the flowers and plants were neatly trimmed, but no one was seen.

After another half an hour, a person finally came out of the room. She was a woman in her forties. She was the housekeeper's wife. She was kinder than her husband, and she was dignified and beautiful. Thought she was the hostess of this villa.

Seeing the person coming, the girls who had relaxed a little earlier immediately stood firm, without squinting, and folded their hands in front of their abdomen.

"Sorry for keeping you waiting." The woman said politely.

The girls were surprised for a moment, they couldn't guess the identity of this woman, so they bowed politely.

"You don't need to be too polite. The maid who was wiping your sweat and looking around just now please stay, and the rest please follow me." The woman was still gentle and polite, and after she finished speaking, she walked into the house.

The girls looked at each other, some were surprised, some were happy, some were angry, didn't they just look around and be disqualified?

Now there are only fifteen girls left, and they secretly rejoice that they have more chances to stay.

The front hall is also decorated in European style, with white and gray tones, luxurious and low-key. Obviously, all the furniture and decorations are new, it can be seen that it was repaired not long ago, and the owner should have moved in not long ago.

No matter how gorgeous and majestic this place is, the girls didn't dare to look around anymore, they all wanted to stand in the front, and two girls pushed and bumped into each other.

As soon as the woman turned around, the girls immediately stood upright and put on a dignified and generous face.

"Please wait a moment, everyone." The woman was about to go upstairs when there was the sound of slow footsteps coming from the stairs.

The footsteps are very light, the sound of household shoes on the tiles.

The girls looked at the stairs one after another, driven by curiosity, to find out.

The boy walked up the stairs, holding on to the wooden railing with his slender hands, wearing a white shirt, beige slacks, and black hair. His complexion was very fair, or sickly white.

He is roughly slender and thin, very slender, as if he would fall down in the wind, but he didn't lose his grace and nobility, on the contrary, he added a bit of morbid beauty, like a tulip that is about to wither, attracting people regret.

"Master, those maids are here, do you want to choose them yourself?" The woman looked at the boy and said gently.

Shock and astonishment flashed in the eyes of the girls. They only saw the boy's side face, but they were certain in their hearts that it was a gentle and elegant prince with a graceful demeanor and melancholy and indifferent eyes.

The boy paused for a moment, but without looking at it, he said calmly, "No need, you can choose."

His voice was as soft and light as his. Even so, it made the girls intoxicated, but after hearing the meaning of the words, their hearts were broken. If they want to stay, they must please this Aunt He .

"Okay, young master, it's noon, and the sun outside is very strong, why don't you eat first." Aunt He's tone was tepid, just a formal persuasion.

It can be seen that this young master is very willful.

"No, I want to go out for a walk."

The young man took another graceful step, raised his head slightly to see the fierce sunlight outside the door, and when he glanced over, he also saw the girls standing in the hall.

The girls finally saw his face, which can only be described as perfect. They felt nervous for a while, as if they were waiting for the prince to choose him.

The boy's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he looked at the girls for a long time, or he didn't look at them, but stared, stared.

Seeing this, Aunt He followed the boy's gaze, and it was the girl who was at the end of the line.

"Keep the last girl, and you can choose the rest, Aunt He." After speaking, the boy had already descended the stairs, passed the girls, and left the front hall.

The fierce sunlight scattered on his body, but it still couldn't warm his cold body.

The girls were stunned until the figure of the boy was completely gone, then they looked back at the last lucky girl. After seeing it, their eyes flashed unwillingness and anger, and that girl was nothing more than that.

Aunt He was also stunned for a moment. She looked at the girl at the end. She had seen countless people, but she couldn't see anything special about that girl. It's beautiful.

"The last girl, please rest here for a while, please follow me for the rest, I want to test your working ability." Aunt He said.

The girls nodded and quickly followed Aunt He's footsteps. This time, they didn't rush to stand at the front.

The huge front hall immediately became empty, and there was only one young girl left. Yi Shuihan blinked his eyes, and the phoenix eyes became deep, and there was still a bit of evil.

After looking around, she came to a conclusion that this is a good place, 30 days is a long time, and a vacation here is not bad.

(End of this chapter)

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