Female Zun's crimson beautiful man

Chapter 946 Extra: June Planet 6

Chapter 946 Extra: June Planet 06
It took an hour for breakfast. After breakfast, the two went for a walk in the courtyard.

The summer in June is a bit hot, but on the mountainside, there is a cool breeze, which is very pleasant.

"Are you bored?" Shui You asked suddenly, asking her to take a walk with him, would she feel bored?

"Not boring."

"Are you hot?" He asked again, the weather is quite hot now.

"not hot."

"Are you tired?" Shui You thought that they seemed to have walked a long way.

"Not tired, young master, why don't you just tell me what you have." Yi Shuihan was depressed, now whether he is the young master or she is the young master.

"It's nothing, why don't we sit on the lawn over there."

"Okay." Yi Shuihan didn't care, but he seemed a little unwell, and his breathing was not very smooth.

There were grasshoppers jumping around on the lawn, and he regretted sitting on the grass.

Taking advantage of the high jump of the grasshopper, Yi Shuihan grabbed one with one hand, held it by its legs, and let it struggle.

"Do you like to play with them?" Shuiyou looked at the grasshopper in her hand.

"No, I like to play with them, but they don't like to be played with by me." Her childhood plaything.

"Hehe, are they fun?" Shui You asked.

"It's okay. I heard that grasshoppers are edible and taste good. Do you believe it?" She caught another grasshopper.

"I don't believe it. Grasshoppers are insects. It's disgusting to eat them." Shui You brushed away the grasshoppers jumping on his legs. He didn't like these live toys.

"Earthworms are also edible, and grasshoppers are not too disgusting," Yi Shuihan said.

"It's disgusting." Shui You looked disgusted.

The two chatted for a while, and the sun was a little strong, so they went back to the house to play chess.

"In the future, don't get up early to wake me up, I usually get up very early." Shui You said.

"Oh, then what job do you want to arrange for me?" Yi Shuihan asked.

"You can do whatever you want, can I come to you tomorrow morning?"

"Of course, you are the young master."

"What if I'm not?" Shui You frowned, he wasn't in the first place.

"Is there anything you can do with me tomorrow?"

"I don't know, I'll make plans tomorrow."

"Okay then." She was too bored anyway.

"You agreed, where is your room?" Shui You asked in surprise.

"The courtyard on the east side of the backyard, the last... second room in the first row, that is, the one in the middle." A cunning flashed in Yi Shuihan's eyes.

"Okay, how early do you usually get up?" Shui You asked, worried that it would wake her up too early.

"Around five o'clock." Yi Shuihan said, but it's usually not that early.

"It's very early, the genius has just dawned..." Shui You said.

The two played chess until noon, and then had lunch together.

Seeing Mu Xue's teeth itching, it was only natural for her to prepare meals for the young master, but she was actually asked to prepare meals for Ting Yu.

In the afternoon, a tutor came to teach, and by the way, Yi Shuihan became a companion, and they had dinner together in the evening.

Undoubtedly, in less than four days, Yi Shuihan suddenly became a guest from a maid.

"Mu Xue, don't rummage around, this is the young master's study, we are here to clean it." Jin Yun reminded, cleaning the window seriously.

"There's no one there. I just looked around casually. You should clean it quickly." Mu Xue looked through the drawers and then the bookshelves. It was rare to come to the young master's study, so of course she had to get to know him well.

"Jin Yun, the young master is really amazing, to read such a romantic book." Mu Xue looked admiring.

"What book?" Jin Yun leaned over to look curiously. It was an English poetry collection, but it wasn't romantic poetry. Mu Xue was blind?
She has worked as a maid in many famous families, and this young master is the most taciturn, much better than those domineering young masters and ladies.

"The young master is really cultivated and noble. I smell the smell of tulips from him." Mu Xue said with a fluttering face, "It's a kind of smell from the inside to the outside, it's a noble tulip."

"Hehe, I also think it's a tulip." Jin Yun nodded, the young master is like a tulip.

Suddenly, there was a light sound outside the door, and the two looked back, startled.

"Young master." Mu Xue hurriedly put the collection of poems back on the bookshelf.

Jin Yun lowered his head in panic, just now, at the glance, he suddenly felt that the young master was very scary, those eyes were cold, and felt cold in his heart.

"You don't need to take care of the study in the future, don't step into the study." After saying that, Shui You left.

The two were stunned for a while, and it took a long time to recover.

Mu Xue glared at Jin Yun angrily: "Why didn't you close the door when you came in just now?"

Jin Yun said unhappily: "We are here to clean, not to steal. Why did we close the door? Let's leave the study as soon as possible."

Mu Xue was at a loss for words, and angrily packed her things and left.


The day passed like this, and it was already nine o'clock in the evening when Yi Shuihan returned to his room.

"Tingyu, why did you come back so late?" Mu Xue blocked the way at the door with an unkind expression.

"It's only nine o'clock, not too late." Yi Shuihan didn't even give Mu Xue a look, walked around Mu Xue and went back to the room.

"Wait, you were at the young master's place just now?" Mu Xue stopped him again, raising her voice angrily.

"How do you know?" Yi Shuihan pretended to be surprised.

"Hmph, you knew the young master before?" Mu Xue said unwillingly.

"How do you know that?" Yi Shuihan raised his eyebrows.

"I don't know? Then what method did you use to seduce the young master?" Mu Xue said angrily.

seduce?The corners of Yi Shuihan's lips twitched, she was not interested in sick people, "Mu Xue, this so-called seduction is actually all caused by you."

"What do you mean?" Suspicion flashed in Mu Xue's eyes.

"Do you know why the young master is looking for me?" Yi Shuihan said with a disappointed face.

"Why?" Mu Xue asked.

"It's not because of you, the young master asked me about your situation, and deliberately asked me to accompany him for a day to see your reaction. In fact, the young master secretly watched you."

"Why don't I know? Are you talking nonsense?" Mu Xue was shocked, a little happy in her heart, but she still didn't quite believe it.

"The young master said that you are lively, cute, and very interesting. I hope to make friends with you, but I am afraid that you will be abrupt, so I will lend you to see your reaction."

"...Are you serious?" Mu Xue was a little overjoyed, and looked at Tingyu in disbelief, seeing that Tingyu's disappointed expression didn't look fake, she didn't know whether she believed it or not.

"It's okay if you don't believe it, you will believe it tomorrow."

"Why would I believe it tomorrow?" Mu Xue was already a little flustered.

"I told the young master that you actually want to make friends with him. The young master was very surprised when he heard it. He said that he would secretly go to your room to surprise you early tomorrow morning. The young master asked me to keep it secret, but you repeatedly If you ask me, I can't keep it a secret."

"What you said is true?" Mu Xue was surprised with joy on her face.

"I'll find out tomorrow." After finishing speaking, Yi Shuihan went back to his room.

Mu Xue was left alone, extremely shy, with smiles on her face and her heart bursting with joy...

(End of this chapter)

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