Chapter 1005 You Know Me Best
"Well, I..." Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng with some embarrassment, not knowing how to explain, Zimeng's eyes were so resentful!
She was depressed, obviously Zimeng misunderstood her meaning, why did she get so embarrassed in the end?
"You don't need to explain, I know that our family is very popular with women, but he already has a master, so you should give up!"

Zimeng raised her hand, interrupted what she was going to say, and persuaded Yin Chenxi with righteous words, the corners of Yin Chenxi's mouth couldn't help twitching.

Why did she feel that after listening to Zimeng's words, she seemed to be going further and further away?What are you doing?

Although Di Yuanmo is very good-looking, she is not interested in other people's men, okay?
"What's going on in your head?" Di Yuanmo tapped Zimeng's head lightly, looking at her helplessly.

"Yuan, have you solved the trouble?" When Zi Meng saw Di Yuanmo, she immediately laughed happily, and the big tree that had been attacking before was already standing there securely. It seems to have grown there.

This made Zimeng feel incredible, okay?
"Here you are." Di Yuanmo handed a crystal clear fruit to Zi Meng, and Zi Meng's eyes widened instantly.

"Yuan, how did you know I wanted this?" Zimeng smiled happily, as if she had forgotten what she just said to Yin Chenxi, and Di Yuanmo also had a smile on his face.

Yin Chenxi looked at them and was very envious. She didn't know when she would have such a husband who loved her.

Thinking of her senior brother, she couldn't help but sighed. Although Gu Fanjing was a nice person, he was too black-bellied and liked to play tricks on people!
"I just took a serious look at this tree, and the only one that catches my eye is this." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng dotingly, and Zimeng carefully put away the fruit, snuggling up against the tree. In Di Yuanmo's arms.

"Yuan, you really know me best!" Zi Meng's face rubbed against Di Yuanmo's arms, and Di Yuanmo looked down at Zi Meng's coquettish appearance lovingly.

He has been with Zimeng for a long time, how could he not know what Zimeng is thinking?

"Master, there are still outsiders here, can you restrain yourself?" Lucky jumped off Zi Meng's head and landed on Mu Xi's shoulder, looking helplessly at Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

After looking at Yin Chenxi in Di Yuanmo's arms, Zi Meng smiled.

"Sorry sorry!"

"It's okay, you don't have to worry about me, just pretend I don't exist." Yin Chenxi said a little depressed. After only two days of knowing each other, these two people have shown their affection countless times in front of her.

What is out of sight is pure, so she pretended not to see it.

"Um, you really adapt quickly! But, Yuan, how did you manage to keep it motionless? I can't help it. I once thought that my ability was useless!"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo, but she never knew that Di Yuanmo had such abilities, so it's not surprising that it was fake!

"I don't know, it just released a murderous aura. Unexpectedly, it stopped moving. Let's go and continue to look for the seeds you need."

Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand and looked around, looking for the next target.

Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng walked in front, and Lucky and Mu Xi followed behind them. Yin Chenxi sighed and followed despite being helpless.

(End of this chapter)

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