Chapter 1018 Hiding and Eavesdropping

However, if someone came to make trouble, the two of them would happily accept it.

"It's such a pity." Zi Meng looked at the bone erosion flower, her face was full of regret, the bone erosion flower looks very powerful, okay?
At that time, if there are groups of people coming to make trouble, she will directly throw the bone erosion flower out, so that she doesn't need to do anything at all.

In the end, she couldn't subdue it, and could only watch it being burned. It was really a pity.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Next time, if we encounter bone erosion flowers again, let's find a way?" Di Yuanmo gently held Zimeng's shoulders, letting Zimeng snuggle up against him.

Zimeng sighed helplessly, now, they can't solve it, what will they do in the future?Forget it, just think about it.

With a bang, the bone erosion flower finally couldn't bear it in the flames and collapsed.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other and walked over together. The ashes of the bone erosion flower were still emitting sparks. When they approached, they could still feel the heat wave blowing towards them.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo lowered their heads, holding the pile of ashes like a hill.

A green light flashed through the ashes, although it was very fast, it was still caught by Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo.

Zimeng walked over with some traces, and reached out to take out that trace of green to see what it was, but Di Yuanmo suddenly reached out to stop her.

"Let me do it." Di Yuanmo said, reaching out his hand directly, and pawing in the ashes for a while, a green seed-like thing the size of a fist appeared in front of their eyes.

"What is this?" Zimeng looked at the thing puzzled.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, just picked it up, and after making sure there was no danger, he handed it to Zi Meng, who looked down carefully.

"It seems to be a seed, right?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly. He just looked at it, and it should be a seed.

It's just that they don't know what kind of seed it is.

"Zi'er, someone is here, let's go." Just as Zi Meng was studying the seeds in his hand, Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zi Meng's waist. Before Zi Meng could react, they disappeared in just an instant. In situ.

After Di Yuanmo left with Zi Meng, a group of people came from various places, looking at the bone erosion flower that had been reduced to ashes.

Among them are men and women, old people, and young girls who have just grown up.

"Someone can kill this bone erosion flower, what's the situation?"

"Yeah, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it's hard to believe it!"

"However, although we don't know who did it, we will be much safer here in the future, won't we?"

"Yes, but there is such a dangerous mission, it is not always a good thing, I think we should find people out as soon as possible."

"It's definitely not an ordinary person who can get rid of the Bone Corrosion Flower. How could it be possible to find it just by looking for it?"

When they were discussing, they didn't notice at all, just above their heads, there were two people eavesdropping on them.

Seeing the people gathered together discussing how to find them, Zi Meng couldn't help laughing, looking for them?If she wants to hide, it is absolutely impossible for them to find them, okay?

However, Zimeng didn't think about hiding, so what if they found it?It's fine as long as she refuses to admit it.

Anyway, they don't know who the person who burned the words of the bone erosion flower is!

(End of this chapter)

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