Chapter 1028 I Really Dislike It

Zi Meng hurriedly avoided, and Yin Chenxi also hurriedly reached out to support him, not caring about the stench of venom on his body.

"Well, let someone help him wash the venom off his body, be careful." Zi Meng watched the two of them speak lightly, and Yin Chenxi nodded.

"Brother, are you alright?" Yin Chenxi looked down at Gu Fanjing.

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired, I want to go back and have a rest." Gu Fanjing's face was very pale, maybe it was because the pain was too intense before, so he just felt weak now.

"Then let me help you go back to your room now." Hearing what Gu Fanjing said, Yin Chenxi hurriedly helped Gu Fanjing up.

Gu Fanjing and Yin Chenxi left without even saying hello. Zimeng blinked and looked at them.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Zimeng's sullen and dissatisfied look, Di Yuanmo couldn't help asking.

"It's okay, it's just that I'm a little unhappy to be ignored by them." Zimeng turned her head and shrugged at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng dotingly, Zimeng looked sulky, he loves her so much!Taking a deep breath, Di Yuanmo poured a cup of tea and handed it to her.

"If you are angry, you won't treat him well in the future."

"Okay!" Zi Meng took the teacup and looked at Di Yuanmo happily.

"I just saw that my brother was very uncomfortable, so I was anxious to send him back to rest. I didn't really want to ignore you." Yin Chenxi just walked out of the room when he heard these words and walked over anxiously.

Zimeng drank the tea poured by Di Yuanmo, and turned around slowly, not looking at Yin Chenxi, who immediately felt wronged.

However, it was true that what they did was wrong just now, and it is inevitable for Zimeng to be angry, but it is understandable for her to do so, right?

"Zimeng, don't argue with us, okay?" Yin Chenxi approached Zimeng, approaching Zimeng pitifully, a bit like trying to curry favor with her.

"It's too late, I'm not in a good mood right now, tell me, how can I make it up to me?" Zi Meng held a water glass and looked at Yin Chenxi, who frowned in embarrassment.

Compensation for Zimeng?

However, looking at Zimeng and the others, it seems that they don't need anything, right?What can she compensate Zimeng?Moreover, what Zimeng and the others have must be much better than hers.

"Well, I have some good elixirs here, and I have been reluctant to use them. I will give them to you. Although they are definitely not as good as yours, I hope you don't dislike them." Yin Chenxi thought for a while, took out some elixirs and handed them to Zimeng in front of.

Zi Meng looked at the pills, and immediately showed a look full of disgust.

The elixir here, if you just take out a bottle, it's better than this, right?How could she not dislike him?
"What's the matter? You don't dislike it, do you? This is the best thing I have here." Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng's expression, and immediately pouted in dissatisfaction.

These elixirs are really the best elixirs for her. If Zimeng dislikes them, what will she give them?She doesn't seem to have much to offer here.

"To tell the truth, I really dislike it. Why have I never used this kind of elixir? Forget it, this is for you." Zi Meng took out two bottles of elixir and handed it to Yin Chenxi. Yin Chenxi was puzzled Looking at the elixir, he opened his mouth wide in surprise.

These elixirs are much better than her elixirs. Looking at her own elixirs, she immediately feels petty.

(End of this chapter)

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