Chapter 104 Why Are You Nervous?

Lucky stood on Zimeng's shoulder, raised his little paw, and was about to say hello to Di Yuanmo, but Zimeng ran away without saying anything.

"Master National Teacher!" Bei Liyang looked at Di Yuanmo embarrassedly, but Di Yuanmo just smiled.

"You guys go, I'm just passing by." After Di Yuanmo finished speaking, Leng Nan pushed Di Yuanmo's wheelchair and left. Bei Liyang and the others looked at Di Yuanmo's figure and looked at each other.

No matter how they looked at it, they all felt that Di Yuanmo seemed to be here for Zimeng.

Zimeng left, how lazy he was to stay!

"Little aunt, why do I feel that you seem to be on the run when you see Master Guoshi?" Bei Liwan looked at Zimeng puzzled, Zimeng blinked, did you?
She just felt that she didn't know what to say when she saw Di Yuanmo, so there was no escape?

And, didn't they say they were going home?She just wanted to go home when she was tired from playing, yes, she just wanted to go home.

"Master, I think you really seem to be on the run." Lucky said softly, lying on Zimeng's shoulder.

Zimeng turned her head to look at it, frowned slightly, escape?No way?She didn't do anything she shouldn't do, why did she run away?

However, Zimeng also found something wrong. For some reason, she seemed a little nervous when she saw Di Yuanmo this time.

Back home, Zi Meng sat across from Gu Qingli and Mo Qiran, but she wasn't in the mood to look at them.

What kept thinking in her mind was, why was she so nervous when she saw Di Yuanmo?
Bei Liyang and Gu Qingli looked at each other, they could see that Ke Zimeng was absent-minded, but they didn't know what Zimeng was thinking at all!
"Little aunt, are you alright?" Bei Liyang asked in a low voice under Gu Qingli's gaze.

"What's the matter!" Zi Meng didn't look at her, and said lightly.

"But, you don't look like you're okay at all, do you?" Bei Liyang twitched the corners of his mouth, and the other two nodded.

Zimeng's appearance really doesn't look like there is no problem!
"It's okay, I was just wondering, under what circumstances, I would be nervous when I see someone." Zi Meng rested her chin with her hands, her eyes wandering.

"I did something that I'm sorry for, and I'm afraid of being found out." Gu Qingli gently fanned the fan in his hand.

"What if you didn't do anything to offend others?" Zi Meng turned her head slowly and looked at Gu Qingli.

"It must be you, a nympho, who is drooling at others, disgusting them to the point of disgusting you, you are too embarrassed to face them."

Mo Qiran spoke with a bit of a vicious tongue, Zi Meng gave him a glare, but was also thinking about it seriously.

She seemed to have not only drooled at Di Yuanmo, but also had nosebleeds at him, but Di Yuanmo didn't seem to dislike her, did he?
"No way, little aunt, are you drooling at Master Guoshi? Isn't it too embarrassing?" Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng's seriously recalling face in surprise, not wanting to dislike her.

"Go away, what's wrong with drooling at him? Who made him look more beautiful than women?"

Zi Meng didn't feel ashamed at all, she pushed Bei Liyang's approaching face aside, propped her chin with her hands, and continued to think about the problem.

It's impossible for them to answer these. Seeing a person nervous, isn't it! ! !

Zimeng sat up straight suddenly. She remembered that someone told her before that when she saw a person, she would get nervous, which meant that you already had a place for that person in your heart.

Could it be that she already likes God Yuanmo?impossible?She seems to have always only liked Di Yuanmo's face, right?
(End of this chapter)

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