Chapter 1051 Identity and Status

Now, what Zimeng wants is to attract attention, so that in the future, when she does things, she will take it for granted.

After asking all the way, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo came to the door of the so-called four major families.

"Why, there is such a big tortoise at the door? Besides, it seems familiar." Zi Meng saw that the Ren family was written on the door, but there was a stone statue at the door, and she couldn't help but be speechless.

This stone turtle is really familiar!But, for a while, I can't seem to remember seeing it there.

"That's Xuanwu, not a turtle! Such a mighty Xuanwu, why do you think it's a turtle!" Xuanwu shouted frantically in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, Baihu and the others all laughed.

When Zimeng heard Xuanwu's words, she blinked innocently, and then continued to stare at the stone statue, but it really looks like a turtle, okay?

It must be that the sculptor didn't work hard, that's why it happened.It was inevitable that she had made a mistake, and it was definitely not her fault for her bad eyesight.

"It's not the tortoise, it's Xuanwu, Xuanwu, widen your eyes and take a closer look!!" Xuanwu, who had always been calm, felt what Zimeng was thinking, and became more frantic.

If it wasn't for Baihu and Suzaku to stop him, I'm afraid Xuanwu would rush out directly.

"Okay, okay, it's Xuanwu." Zimeng looked at the snake-shaped tail behind the stone statue, and agreed with Xuanwu's words.

However, after hearing this, Xuanwu didn't feel very happy. Instead, he felt that Zimeng was dealing with him.

Di Yuanmo hilariously pulled the helpless Zimeng away from here, went to another house, and saw several other stone statues at the door of the other four major families as expected.

Although it is also not very good, but the general shape can still be seen.

"Tell me, why did they put the stone statues of the four great beasts at the door? Besides, these stone statues don't look very similar, are they weird?" Zi Meng poked her chin lightly with her fingers, and turned to look at Di Yuan ink.

"Should it be to show their identity and status here?" Di Yuanmo said lightly after thinking about it.

"Show identity and status?" Zimeng was puzzled, what identity and status could a stone statue reveal?
"Well, in Zhuwu Continent, the status of the Four Great Beasts has always been very high. As the Four Great Families, they naturally want to place stone statues of the Four Great Beasts at the door of their house to show their status, similar to the Four Great Beasts."

Di Yuanmo explained to Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng nodded, so it is like this?
However, how do their identities compare with the four great beasts?These years, the four great beasts are not here, otherwise, they would have been wiped out long ago.

However, it's not right, the four great beasts are not meant to kill the beasts, maybe they will be ignored, as if they have not seen it?
"Yuan, tell me, after we bought the yard, should we also set up stone statues of the four great beasts at the door?" Zi Meng suddenly looked at Di Yuanmo excitedly, and Di Yuanmo looked at her dotingly.

I don't know what idea this guy is going to come up with, but it's okay to set up stone statues of the four great beasts, but will Qinglong and the others agree?
"As long as you dare to stand, I will dare to destroy it for you." Qinglong's voice came coldly into Zimeng's mind, and Zimeng's brows twitched involuntarily.

"Actually, with our four real beasts, why do we need stone statues? Stone statues can't help you." Suzaku also protested dissatisfied.

Zimeng thought about it, it seems that this is indeed the case!
(End of this chapter)

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