Chapter 1053 is not an ordinary person
In the unusually ordinary stone, a touch of lavender flashed, Zi Meng looked at the incision, there was purple inside.

"This is?" Zi Meng looked at the old man in confusion.

"Amethyst liquid." The old man said lightly.

"Amethyst liquid? What is it used for?" Zi Meng had never heard of this name before, and she didn't understand what it was used for, so she couldn't help asking.

The old man looked up at Zimeng, but he didn't speak, but his eyes were very strange.

The faces of Zimeng and Di Yuanmo were very strange in his memory, which meant that they came from other places.

Moreover, it is very likely that they are not from Zhu Wu Continent, because people from Zhu Wu Continent all know the usefulness of Amethyst Liquid.

"Amethyst liquid is used for cultivation, and many people like to use it for cultivation." Di Yuanmo pulled Zimeng into his arms, and gently explained, Zimeng nodded.

Is that so?
However, Zi Meng is not interested in Amethyst Liquid, but there are more good things in her Divine Crystal Space.

"This, is it rare?" Although Zimeng is not interested, there is no way to make money, and those things in her space cannot be taken out casually.

"It's a top-notch treasure." The old man handed the rough stone to Zi Meng, who looked at the stone up and down, wanting to study it thoroughly.

It's just such a small thing, it can be superior?Are you right?
She was very suspicious, did Di Yuanmo know that there was a treasure in it?How can you reach out for such a good thing?

"Do you want to try?" Looking at Zi Meng's appearance, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but find it very funny. Zi Meng raised her head, looked at Di Yuanmo, and then smiled.

Although I don't know how it is, it seems to be quite interesting. Compared with other types of gambling, this kind of gambling seems to be more interesting.

"Actually, I think I can also cut rough stones. Why don't we buy some and cut them for fun? Just treat it as practice, okay?"

Zimeng looked at Di Yuanmo with a smile. Although she knew that Di Yuanmo would never have any objection to what she said, she still couldn't help being coquettish to Di Yuanmo.

"Okay, it's whatever you say, you can pick it yourself?" Di Yuanmo reached out and rubbed Zimeng's head, and Zimeng happily ran to the rough stones on the ground.

Di Yuanmo stood there, looking at Zimeng with a gentle curve of his mouth.

Although Zimeng didn't know how to choose the stone, but according to her feeling, there should be no problem, and she still has the four great beasts, doesn't she?
The old man Qieshi raised his head, squinted his eyes, looked at Zimeng, then at Di Yuanmo, a gleam flashed in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

Zimeng, on the other hand, picked the stones very quickly, without hesitation at all, and stretched out her hand towards the one she liked.

That speed made Di Yuanmo startled, and he was also surprised. He wondered what Zimeng used to select the rough stones.

The old man kept staring at Zimeng, and at the end, even the old man couldn't help being surprised.

Zimeng's movement of picking rough stones seemed random, but it was also extremely fast. Moreover, the rough stones she picked out seemed not random with her seemingly random movements.

The old man looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo suspiciously, he really wanted to know who these two people were.

Why did you suddenly appear here?
The two of them are not ordinary people, whether it is clothing or manners.

(End of this chapter)

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