Chapter 1062 Human Greed

Moreover, when asking others, shouldn't you first look at your own behavior?

"Thank you for reminding me, old man. However, this one, I have already spared her twice. This time, I will not kill her either, but I will not let her go easily either!"

Seeing Ji Rong's bright smile, Zi Meng didn't plan to put the vines away. Anyway, when she got far away, she couldn't control the vines. At that time, the vines could be easily destroyed.

However, this can't control the distance of the vines. Zimeng hasn't thought about how far it is, so she should be able to hold on for a longer time, right?
"You..." The Patriarch of the Ji family looked at Zimeng who didn't give him face at all, and his hair was about to stand on end in anger.

The people watching the excitement all around gradually receded, the Patriarch of the Ji family had already arrived, but they dared not stay here to watch the excitement, otherwise, they would die without knowing how they died!

"Just take it as a lesson for her, so that she can remember that she can't provoke anyone casually." Zi Meng suddenly put away the smile on her face, and looked at Ji Rong coldly.

"This time, it's just a punishment. Next time, if you dare to provoke me again, I will kill you and show no mercy!"

A burst of cold aura suddenly emanated from Zimeng, which surprised the Patriarch of the Ji family again. He thought it was just Di Yuanmo's strength, but he didn't expect Zimeng, a little girl, to have such an aura.

"Excuse me, can we leave? Since you are the head of the Ji family, I think you must have a way to destroy these vines, right? Goodbye." Zimeng smiled again, as if something just happened As if nothing happened, he waved to the head of the Ji family.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo turned around, and seeing the person injured by Ji Rong, Zi Meng let go of Di Yuanmo's hand, walked over, took out a pill, and handed it to him.

"This elixir, you eat it now, and your injuries will recover soon. I'm sorry, I forgot about you just now." Zi Meng smiled at him, and he was not polite, and stretched out his hand Received the pill.

Seeing the elixir that Zimeng took out, those who hadn't left all looked greedily, Zimeng smiled disdainfully.

This is human nature, right?

When you see something good, you become greedy!

Zi Meng watched him put the elixir into his mouth before getting up and leaving with Di Yuanmo.

This elixir was refined by Tang Jingcheng, it melted in the mouth, even if someone wanted to snatch it, there was no way to get the elixir out of his mouth.

Seeing Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo leave, the Patriarch of the Ji family turned his head to look at Ji Rong. Ji Rong was stared at by his sharp gaze, and could not help but lower her head.

"You don't practice well, what are you doing here? It's shameful to cause trouble all day long!" The voice of the head of the Ji family was full of coldness, and Ji Rong's body trembled involuntarily.

Although Ji Rong is the eldest lady of the Ji family and is very favored at home, the head of the Ji family is extremely indifferent to her. Therefore, in the entire Ji family, the person she fears most is her father.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Ji Rong apologized in a low voice, the Patriarch of the Ji Family walked over, and the servant who was chopping the vine hurriedly stepped aside to let the Patriarch of the Ji Family go.

After looking at the vines, the Patriarch of the Ji family waved his hand violently, and a big knife formed of flames slashed down along his gesture.

The vine broke instantly, Ji Rong fell to the ground without the support of the vine, and the servant hurried forward to help her up.

Ji Rong changed her previous arrogant look, lowered her head, and dared not speak anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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