Chapter 1067 Black Market (5)

These people are here, she doesn't want to go in at all!It's so annoying!

However, if she leaves, it will make her feel like she is afraid of the members of the Ji family, and she will be very entangled!
"Yuan, do we still have to go in?" Zi Meng raised her head and looked at Di Yuanmo, who could even see the pitiful look in Zi Meng's eyes.

"Let's go." Di Yuanmo took Zimeng's hand and walked into the shop, ignoring the members of the Ji family.

The head of the Ji family turned his head and frowned when he saw Zimeng and Diyuanmo. , What are these two people here for.

The gaze was too hot, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo both felt it, but they chose to ignore them and began to look at the things on the display stand, but in Zimeng's view, these things were completely unattractive.

This discovery made her a little disappointed. She thought that there would be some good things here, but in the end, she was still not satisfied.

She couldn't figure it out, she just wanted to go back and bring some gifts, why is it so difficult?
He Yi followed Di Yuanmo and the others, feeling the tense atmosphere in the shop, he had a feeling that he wanted to leave, but Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were both here, so he could only stay and bear the pain in his heart silently. tension.

"It's you?" A familiar voice suddenly sounded, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo looked over at the same time, they turned out to be acquaintances!
Zimeng did not forget, not long ago, she picked up all the good rough stones from this senior's stall.

Met here, I don't know if he wants to settle the previous account?
"Yo, hello senior, we meet again, I didn't expect that we are so destined?"

After Zi Meng was taken aback for a moment, he raised his hand to say hello with a smile, He Yi looked at the old man, then at Zi Meng, he was almost stunned by Zi Meng's words.

Is this a greeting?

Is this greeting the old man?
A bit too casual, too?
The identity of this senior is not ordinary, how dare Zi Meng talk to him like that.

"Fate? You are wrong. I am here to wait for you. You have taken so many good things from me, so you will definitely come and sell them?"

The old man looked at the smile on Zi Meng's face, and Zi Meng's words also made the old man's brows twitch.

The head of the Ji family looked at the old man who was talking to Zi Meng, and couldn't help standing up, standing there respectfully, not daring to speak, and not daring to leave easily.

"Senior, what you said is wrong, right? I bought rough stones at your stall to take care of your business. Moreover, you have seen it yourself. I don't know how to choose rough stones at all. I just took them casually. That's all, if there is something, it's my luck."

Zimeng looked at him innocently, he gave Zimeng a blank look, and didn't say anything further.

No matter how he thought about it, he didn't believe that Zimeng took it casually. After Zimeng left, he cut up all the remaining rough stones, but except for some useless things, there was nothing else left.

At that time, he was terribly surprised, and he wanted to ask what method Zimeng used, because even he was not completely sure that Zimeng could reach Zimeng's level.

Think about it, they got so many things at once, and they would definitely sell them. If the price is better, it can only be here, so he came here to wait for them.

(End of this chapter)

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