Chapter 1073 Old Friends (5)

Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo, feeling a bit embarrassed, in fact, Zi Meng didn't want to bother him, because the matter of the original stone had already troubled him a lot, if she continued to ask him to help, she would feel embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, my rough stone has been processed, and it's fine for the time being. Besides, you are Tang Jingcheng's disciple, and he and I are old friends, so I am also your senior, so I should help you." Meng was embarrassed, Wen Zhong smiled faintly.

Zimeng thought about it, nodded and agreed, with Wen Zhong around, it should save a lot of trouble, right?
The matter here has been settled, and Wen Zhong still has his own affairs to be busy for the time being, so Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo decided to go out for a walk first.

After walking a few steps, Zimeng and Di Yuanmo stopped again, and turned to look at He Yi who had been standing a little far away from them as the background.

Since arriving here, He Yi has been far away from them, not approaching Zimeng and the others, and she didn't say a word, just like a moving background.

Moreover, right now, this background seems to be in a daze for something!
If they don't call him now, I'm afraid that after a while, he will be very anxious to find them when he wakes up, right?

"I said, are you addicted to being the background here? If you don't wake up again, we are leaving!" Zimeng looked at He Yi helplessly, and He Yi blinked before reflecting from the previous incident come over.

Zimeng and Di Yuanmo walked out with He Yi and they started walking aimlessly in the black market.

There are a lot of things on the black market, and there are many things that Zimeng and the others have never seen. Although Zimeng also saw those things when they came here, they were anxious to find a place to sell crystals, so they didn't take them seriously. .

Now, they are waiting for Wen Zhong. It will be a long time before Wen Zhong finishes his work. Anyway, they stay here and have no consciousness, so take this opportunity to take a stroll.

It also happened to be a good time to look for it, if there was anything special, she really wanted to bring some gifts back for others.

"He Yi, I think there are so many people in this place, so there should be a lot of treasures too?" Zimeng turned her head and looked at He Yi who was walking a little behind them.

This place is really too big, and there are too many things, Zimeng is a little dazzled looking at it, and she doesn't know what those things are what she wants.

"There are indeed a lot of things here, and there are all kinds of crystals, medicinal materials, and weapons. What do you want?"

He Yi took two quick steps and walked to Zimeng's side. The things here were all very good in his opinion, but Zimeng and the others didn't like them at all.

Therefore, he didn't know what Zi Meng wanted.

"I want something unique and useful to people, but the things here seem to be a little ordinary."

The corner of He Yi's mouth twitched, and he looked at Zi Meng helplessly, these things are not just ordinary, right?Why does Zimeng think it is ordinary?
Sensing He Yi's sight, Zi Meng blinked and looked at him innocently. He Yi took a deep breath and shook her head slightly.

Zi Meng said that these are very common, He Yi thinks that he really doesn't know what to say.

"Actually, there are a lot of things here, but they are all collected from various places. If you want to talk about useful things, that is Amethyst liquid. People in Zhuwu mainland are very precious about this. It should be rare for people to sell it. !"

(End of this chapter)

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