Chapter 1079 Leisurely Demon King

Zimeng followed behind Di Yuanmo, and couldn't help but twitched her lips, what do you mean to find a better one later?

It's rare for her to meet someone she's interested in, isn't it?

However, she wasn't angry either. If something was destroyed, it would be destroyed. It wasn't a big deal. Moreover, she didn't really care about that alchemy furnace.

Zi Yaoye settled the bill gracefully, and has already walked towards Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo. Both of them looked at Zi Yaoye and signaled Zi Yaoye with their eyes, to be lenient when confessing, and strict when resisting!

"Don't look at me like that, I'm really bored, so I came out for a walk." Zi Yaoye looked helplessly at Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng who had the same eyes.

"Is that so? So, as the devil king, you are so idle?" When Di Yuanmo said this, his voice was very soft, although now he and Zi Yaoye would fight each other when they met.

However, he also didn't want people to know Zi Yaoye's identity, and then confront Zi Yaoye.

"That's right, is there anything wrong now, that's why I came out..." Zi Yaoye shrugged, and walked out with Zi Meng and the others.

Knowing that Zimeng wanted to buy some good things, and then give them to her friends, this made Zi Yaoye very helpless.

There are countless good things about Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, right?Would you think of buying it here, isn't it silly?

"Are you really okay? The things here are not good things, I really don't know what use they will be bought back." Zi Yaoye looked at the things on the surrounding stalls.

These things may be useful to other people, but to Zimeng and her group of friends, they don't seem to be very useful.

"I know, I just want to find something interesting here, but there's nothing I'm interested in, and I finally found someone who is close to my eyes..."

After that, Zi Meng didn't say anything, but turned to look at Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo coughed uncomfortably and looked aside.

Seeing Di Yuanmo's appearance, Zi Meng couldn't help laughing, Zi Yaoye rolled his eyes, he suddenly regretted that he shouldn't have come to find Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, they are too cruel together people!
Especially for people like them who haven't planned to find a partner yet, he hesitated to leave directly, as if he didn't see them.

"By the way, there doesn't seem to be any fun here. Why do you think of coming here to play? Is it interesting?" Zi Yaoye looked around in disgust. The environment here is noisy, and it is not a good place.

He couldn't figure out why Zimeng and Di Yuanmo came here, is it really boring?
"It's nothing fun, didn't you say it before? When we went out, we all forgot to bring crystal coins, so we came here to sell something."

Zimeng shrugged helplessly, if they had enough crystal coins, they wouldn't come here, would they?

However, they did not expect that Zi Yaoye would find this place.

"So, I came at the right time, right?" Zi Yaoye looked at Zi Meng with a funny face, and Zi Meng nodded fiercely. Of course, it is best to have Zi Yao Ye here. If they don't have enough money to buy a house, Zi Yao There are still nights here, isn't it?

As the devil king, Zi Yaoye definitely wouldn't care about such a small amount of money, right?
Zi Meng didn't need to explain anything, Zi Yaoye already knew her plan when she looked at her excitedly, and couldn't help but feel a little distressed about her crystal coins.

(End of this chapter)

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