Chapter 1081 Buying a Slave (2)

When talking about Wen Zhong, He Yi's tone was full of respect and envy, which made Zi Meng even more curious about Wen Zhong's ability.

"Senior Wen Zhong's ability to look at rough stones is very strong. Every time, he said that there was nothing. After cutting it, there must be nothing. Moreover, for some reason, just a few decades ago, Senior Wen Zhong's strength suddenly improved by leaps and bounds. Few rivals."

He Yi continued to explain to Zimeng and the others that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo looked at each other. It was because of Tang Jingcheng's incident decades ago that their strength improved, right?

But why?

"His strength is so strong now. Could it be that his strength was not like this before?" Zi Meng looked at He Yi with some puzzlement, and He Yi nodded slightly.

"Although, I don't know the specific reason, but according to my elders, Senior Wen Zhong's strength was not very strong in the past, although at that time he was considered a little famous.

However, no one has ever heard that he has had too close contact with anyone, and he is unwilling to participate in any troublesome things, and always likes to be alone.

Moreover, I heard that one of senior's old friends was seriously injured because of something, and then passed away. Since then, Senior Wen Zhong's strength has improved by leaps and bounds. "

He Yi also spoke with some doubts, but he couldn't tell whether it was true or not, she just heard about it.

After hearing what He Yi said, Zi Meng's brows slowly frowned. The old friend should be referring to Tang Jingcheng, right?Is there something unknown in between?

She kept hoping in her heart that Tang Jingcheng's serious injury back then had nothing to do with Wen Zhong.

If there is really a relationship, Zi Meng doesn't know how to get along with Wen Zhong. Zi Meng is not only here because of the Gu family and Di Yuanmo.

The other is to find out what happened to Tang Jingcheng's serious injury back then.

However, if Tang Jingcheng's matter had something to do with Wen Zhong, Zi Meng didn't know what she would do.

"Don't worry, the relationship between them shouldn't be that bad." Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's worried look, and gently rubbed her head.

"If it really does matter, what should I do?" Although Di Yuanmo comforted her, Zimeng still couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"If it really matters, leave it to me. You don't have to worry about anything. Now, all you have to do is think about what's going on here."

Di Yuanmo was very gentle towards Zi Meng, Zi Meng thought about it, and nodded slightly, Zi Yaoye had no idea what Zi Meng and the others were talking about, so he just listened and looked at the surrounding environment.

He Yi took Zimeng and the others to the slave market, looking at the cages on both sides of the road, Zimeng frowned more and more.

There are living people locked in the cage, but the clothes on those people are very shabby, and all of them are yellow and emaciated, and their spirits are listless.

These are the so-called slaves, right?
There is no freedom, locked in a cage, being looked at like a commodity, and then compared, the best one is determined, and it will be bought.

It's just that even though they are bought away, they may not necessarily live a good life.

Some of them may spend their entire lives as servants in the master's house in a mediocre manner, while others will be abused to death by the master's house.

"These are the most common slaves, usually bought back, just sweep the yard and do rough work." He Yi explained to Zimeng and the others as they walked.

(End of this chapter)

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