Chapter 1087 Call Me Something

"Forget it, I don't want to be with you anymore, you can do what you want! I'm leaving." Zi Yaoye waved her hand, ready to leave in a chic way, but Di Yuanmo pulled her hair.

"Wow, it hurts, hello! Let go, it hurts, you know? If you don't let go, I'm going to turn against you, you know?" Zi Yaoye hurriedly grabbed her hair, trying to pull it out Rescued from Di Yuanmo's hands.

"You can leave, leave something first." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Yaoye indifferently, Zi Yaoye blinked, not knowing what Di Yuanmo meant.

Let him leave something?What to keep?
Doesn't he seem to owe them nothing?
"What to keep? Can you explain a little more clearly?" For the first time, Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo with a cute look.

Di Yuanmo looked into Zi Yaoye's eyes and didn't speak, as if he didn't want to continue speaking. He looked down at Zi Yaoye's hand, then waved his hand, and a card appeared in Zi Yaoye's hand.

"You can go." After that, Di Yuanmo turned around mercilessly, Zi Yaoye looked at the card in Di Yuanmo's hand, and it took him a long time to react.

"I feel more and more that you are a robber." Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo contemptuously. Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but just looked at Zi Meng quietly, and handed the card in his hand to Zi Meng. Meng unceremoniously stuffed it directly into her Nawu ring.

Then, she looked at Zi Yaoye and smiled sweetly, even if Zi Yaoye was angry, she couldn't vent it at this time.

Facing these two couples, he never seems to be reasonable!
Why is this so?
He's a majestic Demon King, isn't he?Why are you being led by the nose by these two couples?

Thinking about it, Zi Yaoye felt very unfair, but even if it was unfair, he couldn't do anything now.

The Di Yuanmo at this time is different from before. Now he is simply a madman protecting his wife!As long as it is about Zimeng, he will be merciless.

"I'm leaving, remember to greet me if you have something to do, I probably won't leave here in a short time." Zi Yaoye stretched his waist out of trouble, turned and left, neither Zi Meng nor Di Yuanmo stopped him.

Zimeng bid farewell to Sister Hong, and went to pick up the people from the Gu family with Di Yuanmo.

When Zimeng went, they hadn't reacted yet, but they didn't expect that Zimeng and Di Yuanmo would come to pick them up so soon.

Before, they thought that what Zimeng and Di Yuanmo said before they left were just a joke or to comfort them, but they didn't expect that they really came.

Although, they were very worried about what would happen after they followed Zimeng, but since Zimeng really came to pick them up, they couldn't let Zimeng down.

Therefore, a few people were going to pack up their things first, but they were stopped by Zimeng. The things here were already too old, even if they were taken back, it would be of no use.

So, just let them put away the necessary things and take them away, seeing Zi Meng's firm attitude, naturally, they will not continue to take those things that have been used for a long time.

While they were packing up, Zimeng and the two children from the Gu family squatted there having fun.

Di Yuanmo was sitting by the side, looking at Zimeng who was having fun with the children, with a gentle smile on his lips.

He can imagine what it will be like when they have a child, and it will be very warm when the time comes.

(End of this chapter)

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