Chapter 1116 Tethered

"It seems that you have found your side job here?" Zimeng said amusedly, Qinglong and the others in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars couldn't help but roll their eyes.

What is a side job?
There's nothing they can do about it, okay?In the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, there is no night, so, except for cultivation, they have nothing to do all the time, okay?

So, I can only work with Mu Xi to tidy up those flowers and plants.

They couldn't refute Zimeng's words, so they ignored her and went about their own business.

Zi Meng asked Mu Xi for the medicinal materials for refining Xisui Pill, and began to prepare the refining pill.

Originally, Di Yuanmo wanted to accompany Zi Meng, but Zi Meng was afraid that he would affect her concentration when refining the elixir, so she refused.

Therefore, Di Yuanmo could only protect Zimeng at the door.

By Zimeng's side, only Mu Xi stayed behind, ready to provide Zimeng with the missing medicinal materials at any time.

"Master, you haven't refined medicine for a long time, right? Is it okay?" Sitting aside, Mu Xi watched Zi Meng sorting out the medicinal materials with concern.

"Little thing, do you underestimate your master so much?" Zi Meng looked up helplessly, looking at Mu Xi, she was very upset when Mu Xi underestimated her!

However, he couldn't really do anything with Mu Xi, so he could only look at him helplessly.

"No, absolutely not, master, I didn't underestimate you, it's just..." Mu Xi's face was a little embarrassed, and he didn't dare to look at Zi Meng.

Zi Meng smiled, rubbed Mu Xi's head lightly, lowered her head, and continued to work, Mu Xi smiled and watched Zi Meng prepare the medicinal materials that needed to be refined.

Although Zimeng occasionally refines some pills, her movements are still very fast.

Mu Xi was on the sidelines, a little excited to see, eager to help Zi Meng.

However, he also knew that now, when Zimeng was most focused, he must not disturb Zimeng, otherwise, Zimeng would probably kick him out directly.

"Little uncle, hasn't little aunt come out yet?" Bei Liwan came back from a stroll outside, and stopped beside Di Yuanmo who was reading a book.

"Not yet." Di Yuanmo looked away from the book and looked at Zi Meng's door. It has been a while, Zi Meng has not come out, but Di Yuanmo can feel that she is now busy inside.

"I don't know why little aunt is always working so hard. Really, little uncle, I think, in the future, you should find a rope and tie little aunt directly, so that she won't cause trouble for you."

After Bei Liwan rolled her eyes, she also looked at Zimeng's door, but what she said was the truth.

Di Yuanmo smiled slightly. In fact, without Bei Liwan saying it, Di Yuanmo also had the same idea. Sometimes, he also wanted to tie Zimeng by his side.

However, in that case, Zimeng would definitely be unhappy, so he chose to give up.

Moreover, now, even if Zimeng doesn't dare to do anything, he can stay by Zimeng's side, help Zimeng, and protect Zimeng, that's enough.

Others, he didn't think so much anymore.

"Well, little uncle, I'm just talking. Don't take it seriously. If you really tie up little aunt, I think she will kill me."

Seeing the smile on Di Yuanmo's face, Bei Liwan hurriedly opened his mouth to explain, but Di Yuanmo didn't speak, just lowered his head and continued to read.

(End of this chapter)

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