Chapter 112 Do You Want To Play So Exaggeratedly?
"I think I'm going to die." Zimeng was lying on the bed, her face pale and pitiful.

"Little aunt, don't worry, nothing will happen. When the uncle wakes up, he will be able to heal your injury. Don't worry."

Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng's appearance, and felt extremely distressed. Zimeng has always been eccentric, and this appearance seems to be the first time he has seen it.

"When he wakes up, I will definitely kill him first!" Zi Meng said, closing her eyes, the forgotten luck, ran in from the outside and climbed onto the bed.

There is no need for Zimeng to say anything, and it doesn't matter whether Bei Liyang is around or not, it directly takes out a drop of divine spring water and drops it into Zimeng's mouth.

"Master, it's all right. During this period of time, you take a bath in the divine spring water every day. After a while, your injuries will recover."

Fortunately, after feeding Zimeng with the divine spring water, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the corner of Zimeng's mouth twitched.

"It will recover soon, but it hurts, okay? Pain is what I fear most, and it's not like you don't know it!"

"But, master, it will definitely hurt if you are injured. I have already fed you the divine spring water, so it doesn't hurt anymore?"

Looking lucky, Zi Meng rolled her eyes, completely forgetting Bei Liyang who was standing there in a daze.

He wondered if his ears had heard it wrong, because he had just heard Lucky say that Zi Meng bathed with divine spring water!
How can such a precious thing as divine spring water be used for bathing?Moreover, it has always been!
He really wanted to take Zimeng's head off and see how the brain circuit was formed, so violent!
"Are you okay?" Zi Meng turned her head and stared at Bei Liyang with a dull face.

She doesn't understand, what's going on today, why are everyone so abnormal?
"It's okay, little aunt. From now on, when you master and servant speak, can you be a little more careful, because, sometimes, a single word can lead to death."

Especially if people heard that Zimeng took a bath with divine spring water, they would definitely be hunted down!
Bei Liyang looked at Zimeng very seriously, Zimeng blinked innocently at him, she was talking to Lucky, who would come after her?

Moreover, regarding the matter of Shenquan water, she only said it in front of trusted people, could it be that Bei Liyang would kill her?how could it be possible?
If Bei Liyang needs divine spring water, just tell her directly, right?It's not like she didn't give it to him.

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything, little aunt, you rest first, I'll go out and have a look."

Facing Zimeng's innocent little face, Bei Liyang really couldn't bear to blame her for anything, so he could only focus on himself.

Looking at the figure of Bei Liyang going out, Zi Meng shrugged her shoulders, sat up, and moved her body, as if the pain was really gone. So, the divine spring water also has the effect of relieving pain?

After that, wouldn't she be afraid of getting hurt or hurt?

"Lucky, why did he suddenly advance?" Zi Meng suddenly remembered Tang Jingcheng's promotion, and felt that this promotion seemed a bit inexplicable!
"Maybe it's because you suddenly called him master, which made him too excited, and the spiritual power that he had gathered before the promotion was released at once, that's why he suddenly advanced?"

For these things, luck doesn't seem to understand very well, but it should be almost the same as its explanation.

Zimeng touched her chin, did she advance just because she called master?Do you want to be so exaggerated?
(End of this chapter)

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