Chapter 1123 Bad temper
The corner of Mo Qiran's mouth twitched indistinctly. What is it that he is so annoying that he wants to commit suicide?Even if he killed this woman, he wouldn't commit suicide, okay?
Although, he really wanted to refute Zimeng, but seeing Zimeng having so much fun, he could bear it and acquiesced to Zimeng's words.

"Hmph, to be the son-in-law of our Chu family, how many people can't envy him? How could he bother me?" Chu Yun looked at Mo Qiran with an expression, and Zi Meng could not help but shudder at that sight , one can imagine how Mo Qiran felt.

Involuntarily, Zi Meng turned her head and looked at Mo Qiran with sympathy, why did she say it was sympathy?That's because Zi Meng can completely understand Mo Qiran's mood at this time!
Mo Qiran looked at Zimeng and sighed, but she didn't give any explanation, but told Zimeng with her eyes that she insisted on coming, so she had to settle it!

"However, to be honest, Ms. Chu, your view of love has changed really quickly. At first, I thought that you liked your brother Gu Fanjing.

However, after that, you seem to have taken a fancy to my man again, and you also drugged me and my husband at the door of the house. If it weren't for our team's resistance to these drugs, I'm afraid, you have already suffered, right?

What now?You actually fell in love with my friend again. To be honest, I really don't know what you think now.

However, I think I should remind you that my friend has very high vision and absolutely despises you, so you should stop thinking about it. "

When Zimeng said these words, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth. Chu Yun looked at Zimeng with murderous intent in her eyes, but here, she had nothing to do.

This Stone Gambling Workshop is the territory of their Chu family. If she causes trouble here, her father will never let her go.

"Chu Yun..." Ji Rong looked at Chu Yun and gently took Chu Yun's hand.

Chu Yun turned his head and smiled at her. He didn't plan to continue this matter. She had plenty of time to deal with the matter with Zi Meng in the future.

What's more, I thought that what Zimeng said just now, many people in Gambling Stone Workshop looked at her with strange eyes, which made her feel uncomfortable all over.

"By the way, I want to remind Ms. Chu that my friend's temper is really not good. If you continue to pester him and he is missing an arm or a leg that day, don't blame him."

Zi Meng reminded Chu Yun with a smile, then turned around, and smiled at Mo Qiran with a serious wink, Mo Qiran gave Chu Yun a cold look to save face.

With just one glance, Chu Yun felt that she seemed to have fallen into an ice cave.

Mo Qiran didn't want to talk here either, so she reached out, grabbed Mo Qiqi's collar, and walked out first, Ling Siyun and the others looked at Chu Yun and Ji Rong, and then left.

"If there is nothing else, then let's go first. I think we will meet again in a short time." Zi Meng smiled at Chu Yun, turned around, held Di Yuanmo's hand, and did not look back left.

Looking at their figures, Chu Yun clenched his hands into fists in anger.

Standing beside Chu Yun, Ji Rong looked at Chu Yun's furious look and dared not speak. Chu Yun's temper was not very good. After spending so long together, she knew that she should keep silent at such a time.

"Beili Zimeng, one day, I want you to kneel at my feet and beg me to take pity on you, just wait!"

(End of this chapter)

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