Chapter 1158 Abstain directly
Sitting in the stands, Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng and shook his head helplessly. She smiled so happily when so many people were looking at her here.

If Zimeng wasn't in a martial arts competition right now, Di Yuanmo would definitely rush over and pull Zimeng back into the room to clean up.

And the friends in the stands all looked at Zimeng with disdain, they don't believe Zimeng's words, okay?

Will Zimeng be weaker than them?Ghost letter!

And the others looked at Zimeng in disbelief. Those people just now were all so strong. Although it was the beginning of the competition, their competition already showed their strength.

Now, Zimeng said that her strength is very poor, so how can these people who are going to watch the excitement bear it?

What they want to see now is the fight scene, the scene where Zimeng amazes them.

But what is the result now?It is very likely that they will not see it. How is this possible?
"Hey, hey, hurry up! What are you doing standing here?"

"That's right! No matter who lives or dies, let's start!"

Zimeng didn't move, and immediately some people became unwilling, and shouted to make Zimeng and the others fight, but, hearing their words, the smile on Zimeng's face disappeared little by little!

However, soon, she laughed again, turned her head, and Zimeng looked towards the direction where the voice was loudest. If I remember correctly, that should be where the people from the Chu family were sitting.

"In the next martial arts competition, if I hear your voice again, I will kill you." Zimeng said such words with a smile, which made them sigh indifferently.

Zimeng withdrew her gaze, looked at her opponent, and heard the voices of those people just dying.

Zi Meng slowly raised her hand, but it was not facing her opponent, but those who kept provoking Zi Meng.

They wanted to die by themselves, how could Zi Meng not let them do what they wanted?

Green light radiated from Zimeng's hand, and green plants sprang out from the ground, binding those arrogant people.

They were frightened by Zimeng's actions, and also by Zimeng's sudden attack. They stood there one by one, not daring to continue to move, for fear that Zimeng would really kill them.

Zi Meng smiled at her opponent, ready to attack, but before Zi Meng could make a move, the opponent received a signal from her Patriarch, and he abstained.

Zimeng raised her hand stupidly, and blinked her eyes, as if she didn't react.

"Well, I said, can you abstain like this? We haven't started the fight yet. I think you should abstain after we have finished the fight. Don't worry, I won't hit you hard."

Zimeng looked at her opponent who was about to leave very seriously, and tried her best to keep her, but he just smiled at her, turned around and left.

Regardless of her strength, with such a distance, Zi Meng can control the plants and let them attack the people Zi Meng wants to attack.

Moreover, when those plants were entangled with those people, Zi Meng could still turn his head and talk to him. This already showed that Zi Meng's strength was much higher than those of the previous ones.

"Little aunt is like this, who dares to fight her?" Bei Liwan curled her lips, looking helplessly at Zimeng, who was stunned and shocked, standing there motionless.

Di Yuanmo sighed, looked at Zimeng, and waved to her.

(End of this chapter)

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