Chapter 1163 I Can't Understand
This competition is about the status of their four major families, how could they give up so easily?

If they give up, their family will also decline, so it is definitely impossible to give up.

"Don't think about it so much. No matter what, they already know that they will definitely not fight us head-on during the martial arts competition."

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's listless look, and couldn't help comforting her, Zimeng nodded slightly, hoping so, she didn't want to go anywhere, everyone she met was her enemy!
It is better to have fewer enemies like this, so that Zi Meng can drive them all out!
Just when Zimeng was worrying about this matter, people from Yin's family and Ren's family had already quietly gathered together.

What they discussed was naturally a matter of martial arts competition. Although they couldn't give up now, they had already made an agreement.

During the martial arts competition, if you meet Zimeng and the others, you will abstain after two moves to avoid being accidentally injured.

However, meeting people from the Ji family and the Chu family naturally took a lot of effort. Even if they only hurt them a little, it would be easier for Zimeng and the others to deal with them.

Compared with the Ji family and the Chu family, they hope that the Gu family can return to the four major families, so there is no problem with such thoughts.

"Miss, the Gu family wants to see you." Hong Bo stood at the gate of the yard, looking at the group of people in the yard.

"Please come in, this is the Gu family, we are guests, aren't we?" Zi Meng sat up straight and smiled at Hong Bo.

"Yes." Uncle Hong turned around and let Gu Shengfeng come in. Gu Shengfeng walked in quickly, Ling Siyun and the others were making noise non-stop, even though Gu Shengfeng came in, they didn't stop.

"Is something wrong?" Zi Meng looked up at Gu Shengfeng, and poured him a cup of tea at the same time.

"I seem to see Lan'er. Although she is wearing a cloak, I'm sure it must be her." Gu Shengfeng sat down and looked at Zimeng and Di Yuanmo anxiously.

Zimeng and Zimeng looked at each other and didn't speak. They saw it too, but they didn't dare to confirm it, so they didn't tell others.

Unexpectedly, Gu Shengfeng also saw it, and after hearing that Gu Shengfeng was so sure, Zi Meng was also sure that Gu Shenglan's body should be really fine.

What exactly is going on?How did Shi Yu do it?No matter what Zimeng thinks, she can't figure it out!
"Miss Zimeng..." Gu Shengfeng looked at Zimeng worriedly, hoping that Zimeng could give him some advice on what he should do.

"We also saw it, and her body seems to be fine." Zi Meng smiled helplessly, and Gu Shengfeng looked at Zi Meng in surprise.

How could Gu Shengfeng not be surprised?Zimeng even saw Gu Shenglan, but why didn't she tell him?

Moreover, Zi Meng just said that Gu Shenglan's body seems to be fine, so what's going on?

"It's not that we don't want to tell you, but, now, we don't know the relationship between her and that person, so we don't dare to bring her back directly."

Zi Meng looked at Gu Shengfeng apologetically, Gu Shengfeng shook his head lightly, how could he not understand his own sister?
She has always been hostile to Zimeng, so even if Zimeng asked her to come back with her, she would never agree.

Therefore, this matter has nothing to do with Zimeng, but Zimeng is worried.

(End of this chapter)

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