Chapter 1171

However, it is also true, if injured or poisoned, it will definitely be very uncomfortable, Zimeng does not want to be injured.

Moreover, if she gets hurt, Di Yuanmo will definitely be very worried.

Zi Meng stopped talking to them, bowed her head and began to refine the antidote medicinal materials very seriously.

Qinglong and the others stopped talking to Zimeng, but the four great beasts sat together and began to discuss how to help Zimeng.

However, no matter how much they discussed, they couldn't get out, so how could they help Zimeng?

Therefore, in the end, they had no choice but to give up, and when Zimeng needed them, they would definitely be handed over.

Now, they worry too much, it's useless, if Zimeng doesn't tell them to go out, they have nothing to do.

"Zi'er." Di Yuanmo got up to greet her the moment Zi Meng came out of the room after refining the elixir.

"Well, I'm here." After Zi Meng smiled sweetly at Di Yuanmo, she turned to look at her little friend.

"Are you all here?" Zi Meng smiled and threw the medicine bottle in her hand, Bei Liwan was the first to rush over and snatch the pill from Zi Meng's hand.

Zi Meng smiled indifferently, walked to Di Yuanmo's side, sat down lazily, and watched Ling Siyun and the others study the elixir she had refined.

"Are you tired?" Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng, who shook her head slightly.

"Have they been waiting here all this time?" Zi Meng turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who shrugged his shoulders, as if Zi Meng said that they never left.

Zimeng curled her lips. She really didn't know what they were thinking. She just went to refine the elixir and told them to let them rest. In the end, these guys didn't leave here.

"They're really free!" Zi Meng couldn't help curling her lips. If I knew it earlier, I would have found something for them to do.

"Let's go and rest." Di Yuanmo got up, took Zimeng's hand and left the yard, while Ling Siyun and the others were seriously distributing the elixir refined by Zimeng. No one had time to ask if Zimeng and the others were Left.

In the room, Zi Meng was nestled in Di Yuanmo's arms, Di Yuanmo was playing with Zi Meng's fingers, neither of them spoke, they just snuggled together quietly.

Even if there is no word between them, they still enjoy this moment very much.

"Yuan, when the things you have to do are settled, shall we live in seclusion?" Zi Meng looked up at Di Yuanmo and said softly.

"Okay, but when the time comes, it won't be just the two of us." Di Yuanmo lowered his head and looked at Zimeng with a half-smile.

Zimeng just raised her head like that, looking at Di Yuanmo in confusion, isn't it just the two of them?Who else wants to hide away with them?
It seems that there is no more?

"Who else?" Zi Meng asked Di Yuanmo very seriously.

"..." Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng for a long time, just smiled, but did not explain. Just when Zi Meng couldn't help but continue to ask, he was suddenly pushed down on the bed by Di Yuanmo.

Seeing Di Yuanmo's condescending gaze on her, Zi Meng already knew what Di Yuanmo meant.

"Yuan..." Zi Meng's voice was so soft that Di Yuanmo narrowed his eyes slightly, lowered his head, and Di Yuanmo kissed Zi Meng's lips directly, preventing Zi Meng from continuing to speak.

And Zi Meng also slowly closed her eyes, enjoying the love that Di Yuanmo gave her.

And everything outside seemed to have nothing to do with them, it was quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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