Chapter 1173 Hurry Up

"Since you don't want to stay, forget it. I'll figure out a solution for the Gu family. But now, I still need to discuss the marriage between the two of you and set a good date, shall we?"

Zi Meng supported her chin with one hand, while looking at them lazily, the two of them blushed slightly when they heard Zi Meng's question.

During this period of time, after being handed over by Di Yuanmo, they have been busy all the time, and they rarely have the opportunity to meet Zimeng and the others.

What's more, Zimeng saw them and didn't mention it, so they didn't care.

Unexpectedly, now, Zimeng suddenly brought it up, how should they answer Zimeng's words?
Although both of them wanted to settle their marriage as soon as possible, Zimeng and the others still had to prepare for the next martial arts competition, and they didn't have time to prepare for their wedding!

"Ma'am, we are not in a hurry about this matter. It will not be too late to talk about it after we go back. Right now, the martial arts competition is more important." Leng Nan said, anyway, it has been such a long time, and there is no need to rush for a while.

"But, you can't always let Yuzhu stay with you without a name or distinction, can you? So, it's better as soon as possible, and..." Zimeng turned her head and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo also raised his eyes to look at Zimeng. He understood what Zimeng meant, and smiled at her lightly. Next, he will be busy with their affairs. If the marriage between Yu Zhu and Leng Nan drags on, there will be no Know when to procrastinate.

"And, next, Yuan and I will be away for a while, and we don't know when we will be back. Therefore, regarding your matters, you must hurry up!"

Zimeng smiled, and looked at Yuzhu and Leng Nan again. They looked at each other. If this was the case, it would be very troublesome, but they don't want to cause trouble for Zimeng and the others now.

"Let's leave this matter to Zi'er." Seeing their perplexed looks, Di Yuanmo spoke softly, interrupting all their questions with just one sentence.

Di Yuanmo had already said that, and they had no reason to refuse, so both of them blushed and nodded.

Zimeng looked at them and was very moved!
"Okay, leave your affairs to me, you don't have to think about anything, take a good rest, or, it's okay, go out for a stroll, and buy whatever you like!"

Zimeng stood up, the two of them didn't want to stay here, and their marriage had already been decided, so they didn't need to say anything.

"Wait a minute, ma'am, don't you still want us to stay here? I don't want it!" Seeing that Zimeng was about to leave, Yu Zhu hurriedly stopped her, howling, hoping that Zimeng would not leave them behind.

"You scared me, if you don't want to stay, then don't stay, as for scaring me?" Zi Meng rolled her eyes, put her hand on Yu Zhu's head, and pushed her aside.

Then, Zi Meng stretched out her hand, took Di Yuanmo's hand, and left without hesitation.

Yu Zhu wanted to continue to follow, but Leng Nan stretched out his hand and stopped her.

"Leng Nan, why are you stopping me? Don't tell me, do you want to stay?" Yu Zhu looked at Leng Nan angrily, and Leng Nan sighed.

"I said, you are usually very smart, why are you so stupid today? Madam has already said, we don't need to stay, if you rush over again, the master will just blow you out.

(End of this chapter)

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