Chapter 1178 Inexplicable lying gun
The ice wall disappeared, and Yu Tingxi's indifferent expression appeared in front of Ji Rong. Ji Rong was a little nervous. Yu Tingxi was so calm. The calm Ji Rong always felt that something bad would happen!
However, under the watchful eyes of everyone, Ji Rong can no longer control so much, no matter what, she can't just die like this!
Ji Rong secretly took out the poison that had been prepared before, and was going to rush up to poison Yu Tingxi as long as she saw the right time.

However, when she wanted to move, she found that her feet could not move at all.

Ji Rong hurriedly lowered her head, but what she saw was that her shoes had been tightly frozen with the ground by a layer of ice, and the ground had also been covered with a thin layer of ice at some point.

She didn't even notice all this happened, just like when she was suddenly frozen by Yu Tingxi last time, she stood still and couldn't move.

Ji Rong was very annoyed, she had already experienced it once, but she didn't expect that it would be like this this time.

She raised her head in horror and looked at Yu Tingxi, but Yu Tingxi stood there very indifferently, motionless and without the slightest movement, as if the current matter had nothing to do with her at all.

"You..." Ji Rong looked at Yu Tingxi, and was speechless for a moment. This time, she might really be doomed!

Yu Tingxi tilted her head and looked at Ji Rong innocently. That look really made Ji Rong extremely angry but she was helpless!

Because the ice that connected her shoes to the ground was slowly spreading upwards, and it was too late to take off her shoes and escape.

In order not to freeze her body, she suddenly took out a sword, not trying to attack Yutingxi, but slashing at the ice on her legs, hoping to stop the ice from spreading.

However, although the ice was broken, the spreading ice would immediately fill it up, making her powerless.

"Isn't it too troublesome for you to do this? How about I tell you a way to get rid of it?" Yu Tingxi seemed to be playing, and began to chat leisurely.

"What?" The busy Ji Rong looked up at Yu Tingxi.

"You have a sword in your hand, wouldn't it be faster to cut off your legs?" Yu Tingxi's innocent words made Zimeng burst out laughing.

She didn't even know, since when did this guy start being so funny and say so innocent things?
"I learned this from you." Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng smiling happily, but replied without saving face.

Zimeng turned her head and blinked her eyes. This time, she was innocent. What does Yutingxi have to do with her?She is innocent, okay?
What should her name be?
Just smiled, and then lay down inexplicably?
"You don't need that expression, what Senior Sister Ling said is very reasonable." Dugu Mingxue followed Ling Siyun and responded lightly.

The corners of Zi Meng's eyes tugged slightly, and she looked at them. As a result, both of them looked very seriously, Zi Meng could only turn her head aggrieved, and buried her face in Di Yuanmo's arms, feeling extremely wronged.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but gently rubbed Zimeng's head to show comfort.

"You are crazy, if you cut off my legs, how will I live in the future?" Ji Rong angrily threw the sword in her hand at Yu Tingxi. Yu Tingxi blinked and looked at the sword. The flying sword didn't even hide.

Knowing that it is impossible to hit her, wouldn't it be superfluous to avoid it?

(End of this chapter)

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