Chapter 1191 Large Range Attack

Moreover, from what he said, he seemed to know Zimeng very well, but they seemed to have never met him.

What's more, Di Yuanmo didn't seem to have the slightest feeling for what he said, which is obviously abnormal!
If it was the past, Di Yuanmo's face would have turned dark when he heard these words, although, now, Di Yuanmo's face is not very good.

However, no matter how you look at it, the relationship between Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo and this guy who suddenly appeared must be extraordinary!
The Patriarch of the Chu family was frightened by Zi Yaoye's words and expression, so he couldn't help withdrawing his murderous aura, although he was very worried about Chu Yun and didn't want Chu Yun to die in Zi Meng's hands.

However, in his eyes, his own life was much more important than Chu Yun's.

Although he didn't know who Zi Yaoye was, he could feel that he was not Zi Yaoye's opponent, so, naturally, he had to save his own life first.

"You want to kill me, you're dreaming!" Chu Yun looked at his father who was motionless, turned his head, and looked fiercely at Zimeng.

Even for the sake of her status in the Chu family, she will fight to the death with Zimeng here!
"..." Zimeng didn't bother to talk to her, but just looked at her very coldly.

The smile that always hung on Zimeng's face disappeared. Seeing Zimeng like this, Ling Siyun and the others also began to get nervous.

They had never seen Zimeng like this before, although they could all see that it was Zimeng, but the aura emanating from Zimeng's body did not look like her at all.

No one bothered, Zi Meng continued to attack Chu Yun, while Chu Yun was avoiding the vines that kept stabbing at her, while preparing to attack Zi Meng.

The previous preparations were not in vain. She believed that Zimeng would be defeated. She wanted her father to see her current strength with his own eyes.

She wants everyone present to know that she is the most suitable person to be the next head of the Chu family!
Suddenly, Chu Yun stopped, and with her as the center, the water surged in all directions, reaching a height of several feet, and everyone in the stands couldn't help being stunned.

They stared blankly at the wall of water rushing toward them, and only then did they realize that Chu Yun's attack was in a wide range, and as long as it was unleashed, it would probably affect everyone here.

Although it was reflected, but now, even if they wanted to escape, it was too late!
Di Yuanmo saw that he had reached the water wall in front of him, and waved his hand, and an enchantment appeared, resisting in front of the few of them, so that everyone would not be affected.

Zi Meng frowned and looked in the direction where Di Yuanmo and the others were. The wall of water had already blocked her view. Apart from the water, she could not see Di Yuanmo, nor Bei Liwan and the others.

Although she knew that Di Yuanmo was there, but looking around, she didn't like these people who came to watch the fun, but she couldn't just watch them suffer.

In any case, they were also affected by her duel with Chu Yun.

Zi Meng looked at Chu Yun, who was smiling but completely unrepentant, and slowly closed his eyes. Focusing on Zi Meng's feet, the green light disappeared and a layer of ice began to form quickly.

Moreover, the ice spread rapidly, freezing the wall of water in front of her into a wall of ice.

Moreover, the spread of these ice did not stop, and it spread around more quickly.

Just when everyone thought they were going to be submerged by the wall of water, and then they didn't know whether they were going to die or not, the wall of water suddenly turned into a wall of ice in front of their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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