Chapter 1193 The way is too rough

But now, except for Zimeng who was about to kill her, she couldn't find anyone who could help her.

"Don't worry, no one will see your body. In everyone's eyes, you are just a person who suddenly disappeared during the competition."

Zimeng, who was expressionless, suddenly laughed. Chu Yun didn't understand how Zimeng wanted to deal with her. Before she could think about it, he felt the dangerous aura coming from behind him.

Turning around abruptly, what he saw was an open mouth. Then, Chu Yun's eyes darkened and he lost consciousness.

Zimeng, on the other hand, quietly looked at the piranha, which was bigger and bigger than before, and the mouth of the piranha kept wriggling and chewing.

In the martial arts arena, Chu Yun was no longer there, only a blood-stained piece of clothing hung on the sharp teeth of the piranha.

And the color of that fragment was the same as the color of the clothes on Chu Yun's body.

"Go back and digest it well. Hers is not bad, and it should make you improve." Zi Meng raised her head and looked at the piranha with her scarlet eyes. The piranha stood there motionless, still on the ground Stop chewing.

I don't know if it understands Zimeng's words, Zimeng's hand is aimed at the piranha, and the green light radiates out, and the size of the piranha gradually shrinks, but its big mouth is still chewing .

It wasn't until the piranha shrank into a seed and returned to Zi Meng's hand that Zi Meng turned her head and looked at the surrounding ice walls.

It is necessary to get rid of these ice walls as soon as possible, and I don't know how Bei Liwan and the others are doing now, whether they have been injured!
Zi Meng frowned and blinked, the redness in her eyes did not fade away, but Zi Meng didn't know that there was something wrong with her eyes.

"Do you have a way to get rid of these ice walls?" Zimeng thought for a long time, but couldn't think of a way, so she could only ask Qinglong and the others.

In the end, they all shook their heads. Although there was a way, their methods were very rough. If they came, most people would be accidentally injured.

Among these people, Zimeng's companions must be included. If Zimeng saw that her companion was injured, she would definitely be very angry and blame herself.

Moreover, there are too many people around here, not necessarily one of them can feel the existence of the four great beasts, if they go out rashly, it is likely to cause trouble.

Therefore, it is better for them to deny it directly, so as not to cause Zimeng something that there is no way to make up for it.

"Master, let me come. I can transfer these ice walls to other empty spaces." Luck, who had been practicing for a long time, almost never appeared, suddenly jumped onto Zimeng's shoulder.

Zimeng turned her head and looked at Lucky, who looked at Zimeng with a smile on her face, waiting to show off her current strength to Zimeng.

However, when he saw Zimeng's eyes, Lucky was stunned. Zimeng looked at Lucky quietly, waiting for Lucky to deal with the ice, but Lucky seemed to be immobilized by someone. Look into Zimeng's eyes.

"What's wrong?" Zimeng looked at Lucky in confusion. Although Lucky finally woke up, she really wanted to chat with Lucky, but she also knew that now is not the time to chat.

The ice wall was too high, blocking everyone's sight. Di Yuanmo and Bei Liwan must also be worried because they saw her situation.

Therefore, Zi Meng must get rid of these ice walls first, so that Di Yuanmo can feel at ease, and Bei Liwan and the others can also feel at ease.

(End of this chapter)

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