Chapter 1196

Zi Meng left without hesitation, Di Yuanmo didn't know what happened to her, and just stood there in a daze as if he didn't realize it.

"Something must have happened. Go and have a look, I'll watch for you here." Zi Yaoye frowned, turned to look at Di Yuanmo, who nodded slightly, turned and left.

Bei Liwan got up worried, and seeing Di Yuanmo leaving quickly, she also wanted to know what happened to Zimeng.

From the end of the martial arts competition until she left, her eyes were closed and did not open, and she did not forget to have some doubts, whether Zi Meng's eyes were injured.

"Little aunt... Are you okay?" Bei Liwan said nana, her tone full of worry.

"Don't worry, it must be because there is something that outsiders can't see, so she left directly. After the competition is over, we will go back and see what's going on."

Mo Qiran patted her on the shoulder to comfort her, at this moment, Bei Liwan could only nod and wait for the end of the contest.

When Zimeng returned to Gu's house, she went straight into the room, sat in front of the dressing table, looked at her appearance in the dressing table, and couldn't help frowning.

"Master, the red seems to be getting darker, what should I do?" Lucky stood on the dressing table, looking worriedly into Zi Meng's eyes.

"As the guardian of the Divine Crystal Space, you don't even know, how would I know?" Zimeng sighed helplessly. If this continues, I'm afraid, she won't be able to go out, right?
Even if other people don't care, they won't look at her strangely, but she will feel very awkward, okay?
She doesn't want people to see her current appearance. To her, these eyes are like the eyes of a vampire, scarlet and scary!
"If my eyes stay like this, will I not be able to go out?" Zi Meng looked her eyes up and down, looking at her with luck and embarrassment.

It doesn't know, it should recover, right?

"We left without having time to say hello to Yuan and the others. They must be very worried now, right?"

Zi Meng, who was still worried about her eyes, suddenly began to worry about whether Di Yuanmo and the others would be worried. Moreover, she didn't even look at Di Yuanmo when she left. He must be very confused now, right?

The sudden sound of opening the door made Zimeng stand up abruptly. With her breath, she knew that it was Di Yuanmo who came. She wanted to turn around, but she was afraid that her current appearance would scare him.

So, facing the dressing table, she didn't turn around.

"Zi'er, what's the matter?" Di Yuanmo walked quickly behind Zi Meng and asked softly.

"Oh,'s okay, that, Yuan, there is something I want to tell you, I hope you can make a mental preparation first."

When Zi Meng said this, she never turned her head to look at Di Yuanmo, and Di Yuanmo was not in a hurry, but just stood behind Zi Meng, waiting for Zi Meng's next words.

"That..." Di Yuanmo didn't speak, but Zi Meng didn't know how to explain it to Di Yuanmo.

Lucky stood on the dressing table, looked up at Zimeng, and Zimeng looked down at Lucky. Now, she finally knew why Lucky couldn't explain her eye problems to her.

It's not easy for her to explain this problem to Di Yuanmo!It can't be said that her eyes became like this inexplicably, right?

"Zi'er?" Zi Meng hesitated for a long time, and Di Yuanmo called her name worriedly.

(End of this chapter)

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