Chapter 1206 Too disrespectful

Zimeng followed the smell of blood into the room with the patient. I have to say that the smell of blood inside was too strong.

Zimeng looked directly at the bed. There was a young girl lying on the bed. The bed was covered with blood stains. After Ling Siyun followed in, she stood beside Zimeng without saying a word.

Looking at the blood stains, Zimeng felt a tingling pain in her eyes, but soon, the tingling pain disappeared, but Zimeng still felt a bit of discomfort.

Zi Meng shook her head lightly, clearing the discomfort from her mind, then walked quickly to the bedside, a few silver needles appeared in Zi Meng's hand, Zi Meng stabbed without hesitation.

"You..." Before, the man who had been with Ling Siyun rushed here, saw Zimeng's movements, and wanted to stop her.

However, he was stopped by Ling Siyun, who shook his head slightly at him, and he stood aside, quietly watching Zimeng's movements.

"Siyun, the blood-enriching pill." Zi Meng didn't turn her head, and spit out a few words lightly. Ling Siyun immediately stepped forward, took out a blood-enriching pill, and stuffed it into the mouth of the girl on the bed.

Zimeng stabbed a few more silver needles again, and the blood that could not be stopped on the girl's body stopped slowly.

"The blood has stopped." The Ren family couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when the blood stopped, and at the same time looked gratefully at Zi Meng.

"Although the bleeding has stopped, I don't know what the poison is."

Zimeng turned her head and looked at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun sighed, it was good to be able to stop the bleeding, but she had been busy for a long time, but she couldn't succeed.

Unexpectedly, Zimeng just gave her a few needles and stopped the bleeding.

"What should I do next?" Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng in confusion, Zimeng sighed, took the water-stained silk scarf from Di Yuanmo and wiped the blood on her hands.

"Next, you can't help much, just don't make trouble." Zi Meng said lightly, and the corners of Ling Siyun's mouth couldn't help twitching.

What do you mean you can't help, and what do you mean don't make trouble?
Can she say that she is in a bad mood now?This guy really doesn't give face when he talks!

"I'm not wrong. You really can't help. You should go and see other people's injuries first. If there is something that can't be solved, just call me."

Zimeng looked at Ling Siyun's expression of wanting to bite her amusedly, it seems that she hurt this guy seriously?
"Ah, by the way, I just saw you were busy, I forgot to introduce you, this is Patriarch Ren's brother, and this is his daughter Ren Yuqing.

During the martial arts competition with the Chu family, she was poisoned, but she was already incapable of fighting, so they still refused to let her go and injured her.

I don't know why, but her wound has been bleeding continuously since then, and she tried many methods, but to no avail. "

Seeing the man who had been silent all this time, Ling Siyun hurriedly opened her mouth to introduce Zimeng and Di Yuanmo, but she didn't introduce Zimeng and their identities.

Because, the identities of Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, needless to say, this one also knows, and many people in the Ren family know.

"Thank you for saving my daughter." He looked at Zimeng and thanked Zimeng very gratefully.

"You're welcome. I'm here to save people. Besides, I just stopped the bleeding, but didn't save her life. Besides, I don't know what the poison on her body is. I don't know if there is any way to cure her." She detoxifies."

(End of this chapter)

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