Chapter 1213 Special Treatment (5)

Zi Meng moved her hand carefully, and put the green light into the clear water prepared by Ling Siyun. The light scattered when it touched the water, and the black toxins immediately dispersed in the water.

Zimeng raised her hand, gently wiped the cold sweat that appeared on her forehead due to nervousness, and let out a soft breath.

"It seems that this method is quite useful, but I don't know how long it will take to get rid of the toxins in her internal organs."

Zimeng turned her head and smiled at Ling Siyun, Ling Siyun couldn't help swallowing, and looked at Zimeng.

She was so surprised, should Zimeng be so calm?It is really surprising that Zimeng can think of such a special method to detoxify people.

"Next, we will be busy for a long time, are you ready?" Zi Meng looked at the surprised Ling Siyun indifferently and said softly.

It took Ling Siyun a while to react, she nodded, and said to Zimeng that she was ready.

Zimeng turned her head and continued to repeat the actions just now. To be honest, she also thought of this method suddenly. She remembered that she seemed to have seen a similar treatment method there.It should be on the TV, but she has forgotten that she originally wanted to try this method to see if it would work and if it would work, but unexpectedly, it would actually work.

As time passed, Zimeng and Ling Siyun didn't come out of the room. Ren Xiu and the Patriarch of the Ren family came over after watching the servants wash Ren Yuhao's body.

However, with Di Yuanmo outside, none of them could enter the room. According to Di Yuanmo's explanation in a few words, they probably knew that Zi Meng was treating Ren Yuqing inside, so they could only wait outside.

However, after waiting for a long time, neither Zimeng nor Ling Siyun came out, which made them anxious.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Patriarch Ren patted Ren Xiu's shoulder lightly to comfort him. Ren Xiu kept walking back and forth anxiously, stopped to look at his brother, and sighed.

How can you not be in a hurry?To be honest, even the Patriarch of the Ren family couldn't calm down when he was said to be Ren Xiu!

The calmest one should be Di Yuanmo who was sitting there, reading non-stop. Zi Meng was working hard inside, and he was not idle. He was always reading, looking for a way to restore Zi Meng's eyes.

The door was gently opened, Di Yuanmo and the others looked up, Ling Siyun came out carrying a basin of dark water, but Zi Meng was nowhere to be seen.

"Zimeng is still inside, but you can go in." Ling Siyun looked at Di Yuanmo, and as soon as she finished speaking, Di Yuanmo's figure had disappeared, only Ling Siyun's hair fluttered slightly, explaining to everyone, Di Yuanmo had just left.

"What is this?" Ren Xiu looked at the water in Ling Siyun's hand, and asked in confusion.The water inside was dark and smelled disgusting, so it must not be a good thing.

"This is the toxin taken out of Miss Ren's body. You put this away and don't allow anyone to touch it, otherwise, you will definitely be poisoned." Ling Siyun handed the basin to Ren Xiu, and Ren Xiu took the basin carefully, Some looked at the dark liquid inside with lingering fear.

Are these the toxins in Ren Yuqing's body?There are so many.

At this time, they all wanted to know how Zimeng managed to expel the toxin.

(End of this chapter)

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