Chapter 1219 Poisoning
The Patriarch of the Ren family walked slowly to the bed and saw that Ren Yuhao's face was even uglier than before, and his eyes were redder than before.

If it wasn't for his self-cultivation as the head of the family, I'm afraid, he would have cried a long time ago, right?

Now, tears are constantly rolling in the eye sockets, and they may not necessarily drip down at any time.

When Zimeng and Di Yuanmo appeared, they were already standing in the courtyard of the Ji family. They carefully avoided being discovered by the members of the Ji family, and were looking for the room of the head of the Ji family.

However, after searching around, they did not find the Patriarch of the Ji family, but instead saw a very elegantly dressed woman.

"Is the owner not at home?" She sat in the yard for a while and then called for a servant.

"Returning to Madam, the Patriarch has gone out and hasn't come back yet." The servant's words made her frown involuntarily, and her whole face was distorted.

"Get out!" Madam's tone was very bad, and the servant hurriedly left, not daring to stay here any longer, for fear of being affected by the madam's anger.

Zimeng took La Diyuanmo's hand, and signaled with her eyes, since the Patriarch of the Ji family is not here, then use this woman to operate.

Di Yuanmo nodded slightly, and from Zimeng's hand, the silver needle with black luster was gently thrown out, and it pierced straight into the neck of his wife.

Perhaps feeling the pain, she stretched out her hand to touch her neck, Zi Meng's finger moved slightly, and the thrown silver needle returned to her hand.

Di Yuanmo looked at Zimeng's finger. Between Zimeng's finger and the silver needle, there was a very thin green light. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

Di Yuanmo couldn't help sighing, Zimeng's strength seemed to be getting stronger and stronger, especially after advancing to the full moon stage, her strength improved rapidly.

"It's done, Yuan, let's hide first. I believe we will know soon whether they have the antidote." Zi Meng put away the silver needle in satisfaction, turned her head, and looked at Di Yuanmo.

Di Yuanmo lowered his head, and pressed a kiss on Zimeng's lips. Then, he picked up Zimeng and disappeared in place.

They did not leave, but hid in the space opened by Di Yuanmo, watching the wife who had just been stabbed by Zi Meng's silver needle.

It didn't take long for her skin to turn black, and she fell powerlessly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, the servants hurried over, lifted her up hurriedly, and sent her back to the room. At the same time, some people went out to look for the Patriarch of the Ji family.

Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo were still hiding in the space with the old gods, waiting for the appearance of the Patriarch of the Ji family.

"Yuan, do you think that the Ji family and the Chu family will prepare the antidote in advance? If there is no antidote, wouldn't I have harmed the lives of innocent people for no reason?"

Thinking about it, Zi Meng looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly. Although Zi Meng admitted that she was not a good person, she didn't want to just hurt innocent people like this!
"She is not an innocent person. Looking at the appearance of those servants, one can tell that she must have bullied them a lot."

Di Yuanmo put his arms around Zimeng's waist, and explained gently, Zimeng nodded slightly, hoping so, but she still hoped that the people from the Ji family would have an antidote, so that she would be able to relax when treating Ren Yuhao up.

They didn't wait long, and saw the head of the Ji family rushing back from the outside, Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo quietly followed behind him.

(End of this chapter)

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