Chapter 1222 Let them avoid

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." After Di Yuanmo finished speaking to Zi Meng, he disappeared into the room. Zi Meng sighed, looked at the place where Di Yuan Mo left, sat down, and began to be dazed.

"..." Ling Siyun looked at Zimeng's dazed look, and couldn't help feeling a little crazy. Why didn't she know when Zimeng liked to be in a daze so much?
In the past few days, she seems to be in a daze all the time here!

"Miss Zimeng, is she okay?" The head of the Ren family looked at Zimeng in a daze, and asked Ling Siyun cautiously.

"It's okay, I just wait for a while, but she has been in a daze like this, doesn't it seem to be of no use?" Ling Siyun answered the question while looking at Zimeng puzzled.

Zimeng sat there, still in a daze, she didn't seem to hear what Ling Siyun said, but Ling Siyun can guarantee that she must have heard it.

Their voices were not very low, and Zi Meng could definitely hear them, but she was just sitting there pretending not to hear them.

"Zimeng..." Ling Siyun stepped forward, ready to wake Zimeng up and stop being in a daze.

"I don't want to, it's useless to think so much, let's solve his problem first!" Just when Ling Siyun called Zimeng's name, Zimeng stood up suddenly, Ling Siyun was really startled by her .

Standing there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

Zi Meng looked at Ling Siyun, stretched out her hand, and waved in front of her eyes, "What are you doing? This expression seems to be frightened by someone, is it okay?"

Ling Siyun raised her eyebrows, it's okay to be scared by Zimeng, but she still said that, she really wants to hit someone!

"By the way, has Ren Yuqing woke up?" Zi Meng didn't give Ling Siyun a chance to get angry, and changed the topic when she spoke. Ling Siyun rolled her eyes, she was too lazy to pay attention to Zi Meng.

"Yuqing hasn't woken up yet, but her complexion has improved a lot." Ling Siyun didn't speak, Ren Xiu first explained, and Zi Meng nodded.

"Then please go and watch her first, and let me know when she wakes up. I'll go and see her again. Patriarch Ren should also go to rest. You can't help me here."

Zi Meng looked at the two brothers of the Ren family. Ever since she came here to treat them, the Patriarch of the Ren family and Ren Xiu have not rested, and they will not be able to help them in the future. Now, it is better to go to rest for a while.

"But..." The Patriarch of the Ren family looked at Zimeng with some embarrassment, Zimeng was busy here, how could they go back to rest?

No matter how you think about it, it's not suitable!

"It's okay, you guys go to rest, I'll just stay with him here, if there's anything I need, I'll go find you."

Ling Siyun looked at Patriarch Ren and Ren Xiu and smiled. The two brothers looked at each other, nodded and agreed to leave.

"Then let's go to rest first, Ren Xiu, you go and watch Yuqing's situation, Miss Zimeng, if you need it, someone will call us after you say hello." The Patriarch of the Ren family looked at Zimeng, with eyes full of love. Out of Zimeng's respect, Zimeng smiled at them.

After the Patriarch Ren and Ren Xiu left, Zi Meng sat down again, and Ling Siyun sat down opposite Zi Meng, looking at Zi Meng worriedly.

She could understand that Zimeng asked the Patriarch of the Ren family to leave, not just to let them rest, but to let them avoid it.

Zi Meng must have her own reasons for doing this, right?
(End of this chapter)

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