Chapter 1228 Mutation (5)

After a while, Zimeng swallowed her saliva lightly, Zimeng didn't know whether the one in front of her was Qinglong or something else, so she could only rely on guesswork to look at it.

Perhaps, it might be Qinglong, but the giant dragon in front of him is formed by aura, and Zimeng can't clearly tell whether it is Qinglong, but can only say that it is very similar to Qinglong.

"Are you Qinglong?" Zimeng asked softly, but it still looked at Zimeng, except for its constantly swinging body, it didn't make any big movements.

This made Zimeng very puzzled.

Since it doesn't speak, why does it keep blocking her way?

Could it be that there is no way to enter in front?

But they are already here, and Zimeng doesn't want to turn her head away easily, she definitely doesn't want to just go back like this.

The dragon didn't speak, so Zi Meng could only carefully bypass the dragon and continue walking.

After making up her mind, Zi Meng approached the wall carefully, preparing to go around the dragon, but the dragon's eyes followed Zi Meng all the time, but he didn't make any move.

Just when Zimeng passed the dragon and breathed a sigh of relief, the dragon suddenly moved and rushed straight towards Zimeng. Zimeng was taken aback and prepared to escape.

She didn't have the slightest confidence that she could win a giant dragon formed by aura.

However, before she escaped, the giant dragon had already arrived in front of her, and before she could react, the giant dragon had rushed into her body.

Zimeng's body froze there immediately, unable to move Xiang Dong, and could only watch helplessly as the dragon's body decreased little by little.

Knowing that the dragon's tail had disappeared, Zimeng's body couldn't hold on and fell to the ground, her face covered in cold sweat.

Pain, pain all over her body, I don't know if it was because the giant dragon suddenly got into her body, she felt the meridians all over her body, as if she was crushed hard by some heavy object.

"What's going on here?" Zimeng supported the wall, stood up with difficulty, gasping for breath, supported the wall and continued to walk forward.

However, she didn't see that every step she took would form a deep footprint on the ground.

The further she walked, the deeper her steps became, and Zi Meng's speed became slower and slower.

"What's going on?" Zi Yaoye looked at the sweat on Zi Meng's face, and looked at Di Yuanmo worriedly. Di Yuanmo looked at Zi Meng motionlessly, as if he didn't hear Zi Yaoye's words. the words said.

Zi Yaoye looked at Di Yuanmo and sighed, now, even Zi Meng's situation is unknown, so it's useless to worry, right?
"I hope she's okay." After a while, Di Yuanmo said lightly, Zi Yaoye didn't look at him, and found a place to sit down.

"Although I don't know what happened to her, but even if it's for you, I don't think she will let anything happen to her."

What Zi Yaoye said seemed to be comforting Di Yuanmo. Di Yuanmo closed his eyes and slowly calmed down his mood. Yes, even if it was for him, he would never let anything happen to him.

Di Yuanmo didn't speak, Zi Yaoye propped his chin with one hand, looking lazily at him and Zi Meng on the bed.

But Di Yuanmo suddenly stood up and looked at Zimeng. Seeing this scene, Zi Yaoye walked over in confusion, and followed Diyuanmo's line of sight to look at Zimeng.

Between Zimeng's eyebrows, where the sun, moon, and star sea magic circle should have been, appeared a green flower that seemed to exist, somewhat similar to a lotus flower.

(End of this chapter)

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