Chapter 1249 Four Great Beasts (18)

Bei Liwan spoke lightly, and the others looked at her suspiciously.

"A poor person must have something to hate, so don't think too much about it." Dugu Mingxue patted her on the shoulder, she nodded slightly, it was true.

However, now is not the time to worry about these things, Zimeng is still fighting Shi Yu!

Although Zimeng is now a strong man with a full date, Shi Yu's cultivation is not bad either. He has gained a lot of benefits from Gu Shenglan, and his cultivation has naturally improved by not a little bit.

Therefore, Zi Meng didn't get any benefit from Shi Yu for a while.

"It seems that your strength has improved a lot?" Shi Yu chatted with Zimeng with a smile while fighting.

But now, Zi Meng didn't want to say a word to him, but kept looking for an opportunity to give Shi Yu a fatal blow, but this opportunity seemed a bit difficult to grasp!

"Zimeng is a bit at a disadvantage." Zi Yaoye looked at the scene in the sky and spoke softly. Di Yuanmo just frowned and didn't speak.

Zimeng's strength is not bad, but she is a wood magician, suitable for attacking on the ground, but now, in the air, her magic is almost useless.

Di Yuanmo wanted to go up to help, but, thinking of Zimeng's previous expression, he could only give up and continue to look at Zimeng.

"Aren't you going to help?" Zi Yaoye didn't hear Di Yuanmo's movement, so she turned her head and looked at him.

"No need." Di Yuanmo said lightly, he believed that Zi Meng would be fine.

Zi Yaoye rolled her eyes, waved her hand, took out a chair, sat down very leisurely, looked up at Zi Meng, Di Yuanmo still ignored him.

"However, it's admirable for a small girl to have such great strength, but it's a pity that she can only go so far."

Shi Yu continued to speak, wanting to hit Zi Meng, but Zi Meng was unmoved and continued to attack.

Suddenly, Zimeng's figure flew backwards, and with her body as a point, countless ice blades flew towards Shi Yu.

Although Shi Yu dodged quickly, he was still forced closer and closer to the ground by those ice blades.

Zi Meng didn't hesitate at all, and the ice blade didn't stop. Zi Meng's ice blade attack didn't stop until Shi Yu stood on the ground.

However, in just an instant, Shi Yu was ready to stay away from the ground, because he knew that Zi Meng's magic was the most powerful on the ground, so he couldn't stand here knowing the danger on the ground.

However, before he could stand up, his feet were entangled by vines that appeared at some point.

He tried his best, but he couldn't break free. Then, he waved the spear in his hand, trying to cut off the vines, but he failed.

It just left a knife mark on the vine, and every time he cut it, the vine would shine with a golden light.

Moreover, he used fire, but still failed to damage the vines.

"What the hell is this?" Shi Yu looked at Zimeng puzzled, he didn't know that vines could be so hard and not afraid of fire.

"Is there any problem?" Zi Meng asked lightly, and landed in front of Shi Yu.

In just an instant, she had already thrown a few seeds around Shi Yu's body. Shi Yu, who knew Zimeng's attack method, suddenly felt that the situation was not good.

However, there was no way to escape, he could only watch those seeds being spawned by Zi Meng into plants that made his scalp tingle.

(End of this chapter)

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