Chapter 1257 Whose Trouble
Zimeng has never been a person who is afraid of trouble. If there is trouble, she will be very happy, because you can fight now, can't you?
Moreover, she already knew that the four great beasts were on her body. When fighting, she could also release the four great beasts directly. She didn't have to hide it as before.
If it is troublesome, it must be the troubles of those who came to trouble Zimeng, right?

"Don't worry, she is not a person who is afraid of trouble. If you talk about trouble, she is looking for trouble for those people. If they go to Zimeng desperately, they will only die."

Wen Zhong seemed to know Zimeng very well, and was not worried at all. Instead, he explained to Ren Xiu and the others calmly. When he said this, Bei Liwan and the others nodded with dignity, proving what Wen Zhong said. That's right.

Brothers Ren Xiu and Ren Peng looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads. They always knew that after Zi Meng had just gotten to know them a little bit, there would be other things they didn't understand.

"Why are you all here? Where's Zimeng?" Just as a group of people were chatting, Ling Siyun came back. She originally thought that this place should be a scene of a group of people fighting, but in the end, what she saw was this harmonious scene.

Moreover, Zimeng is not here, she is a little worried, is it because Zimeng has not woken up since she passed out?
"Miss Ling, did something happen to Yuqing and Yuhao?" Ren Xiu and Ren Peng stood up anxiously when they saw Ling Siyun's sudden return.

"Oh, no, you don't have to worry, Miss Ren has already woken up. I will feed her the antidote elixir and let her continue to sleep for a while. Although Young Master Ren has not woken up yet, the toxin on her body has not spread yet. Signs, there should be no major problems."

Ling Siyun waved her hands again and again to keep the two brothers from the Ren family from worrying. They were relieved to hear what Ling Siyun said.

"Little aunt is already awake, but she had a fight with Shi Yu just now, and she was forcibly carried back to sleep by my little uncle." Bei Liwan looked at Ling Siyun and explained to her helplessly about Zimeng's absence.

Ling Siyun sighed, just after waking up, she had a fight with Shi Yu, no wonder Di Yuanmo asked her to go back to rest.

However, looking at Bei Liwan and the others, Ling Siyun also knew that Shi Yu must have escaped rather than die, otherwise, they would never have sat there like this.

They will definitely tell them excitedly when they see her that Shi Yu has been killed by Zimeng and the others.

"Shi Yu escaped, but Zi Meng said that he probably won't show up in the near future." Dugu Mingxue got up and walked to Ling Siyun's side, with a worried tone, worried about Zi Meng.

Ever since Xing Yage's death, Zimeng has always wanted to kill Shi Yu to avenge her, but after such a long time, she still failed, she must be very sad.

But she will hide everything in her heart, and she will never show it at all. If they see it, they can't comfort her.

"Don't worry, now, she has relaxed about this matter, knowing that revenge cannot be rushed. Shi Yu's escape will only make her strengthen her cultivation and improve her cultivation base."

Ling Siyun saw Dugu Mingxue's worry, reached out her hand, and patted her on the shoulder to comfort her. Dugu Mingxue nodded slightly, but the expression on her face did not change.

(End of this chapter)

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