Chapter 1259 Scared People

"This..." Wen Zhong and Ren Xiu were all shocked, what should I say?Isn't Zimeng's identity too amazing?

As one of the four major families, and the head of a faction, he is here to help a family that has nothing to do with her. Why is this?

Moreover, as the head of the sect, he even allowed his disciples to call her by her name directly. For a while, they didn't know how to evaluate Zi Meng.

Does it mean that she is peaceful, or should it be said that she doesn't care about her identity at all?

"Since her status is so high, why would she help a declining family here?" Ren Xiu couldn't understand this, so he asked directly.

"Actually, we don't know either, but the National Teacher said that she needs us to come here to help her for a while, so we came here."

Mo Qiran spoke very calmly, which made both Wen Zhong and Ren Xiu swallow their mouths. Who, Mr. Guoshi?Did you mean Di Yuanmo?
The status of a national teacher, no matter where it is, is very powerful, and that status is comparable to that of a country's lord!

They didn't expect that the identities of Di Yuanmo and Zi Meng were both so scary.

And they actually don't say anything, don't mention anything, even if someone makes things difficult for them, they won't use their identities to oppress others.

"Hey, what you said is so straightforward that it scares people." Dugu Ming looked at the shocked Wen Zhong and the two brothers of the Ren family, and reminded him helplessly.

When he reminded like this, everyone reacted, turned their heads, looked at Wen Zhong and the others, and Wen Zhong and the others gradually reacted, looking at Ling Siyun and the others.

"It's okay, you guys keep talking, we'll just react for a while." Wen Zhong waved his hand at them, telling them not to care. Ling Siyun and Bei Liwan looked at each other and stuck out their tongues. They really didn't mean it Wow.

But it's not their fault, is it?

It was Wen Zhong and the others who asked, and they would have said it, otherwise, they would not have had so much time to talk about Zi Meng.

Seeing their reactions, Bei Liwan and the others smiled and chatted happily.

———The hot little genius doctor——

After Zimeng woke up, she simply tidied up and went out with Di Yuanmo. In the end, she saw a group of people in the yard, "Have you been guarding here for a long time?"

"Are you awake? Are you alright?" Ling Siyun turned her head to look at Zimeng. Zimeng's complexion improved a lot, and the color of her eyes also recovered. From the looks of it, something must have happened.

"Well, I have fully recovered. I have never been so comfortable. By the way, why are you back at this time? Are they all okay?"

Zimeng stretched comfortably, her face was full of satisfaction, and then she looked at Ling Siyun.

"It's not a big problem, right?" Ling Siyun explained after thinking about it, and Zimeng nodded, as long as it's okay, then it can pass later.

"I don't know what's going on with Gu Shenglan, has any of you visited?" Zi Meng scratched her head, Di Yuanmo grabbed her hand and put it down, then, he straightened her hair naturally.

This scene was more naturally ignored by everyone. Anyway, their immunity is very strong, and they are used to it, so they can't be stimulated at all.

"We didn't go to see her. Now, what they need is a family to talk together, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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