Chapter 126 What's Shameless
Zimeng moved forward step by step, and on the ground she passed by, the thorns and thorns automatically retreated to the side, as if she had her own spiritual consciousness!
Dongyanglian, who had always disdained to fight against Zimeng, looked at Zimeng who kept approaching her, and realized that Zimeng's strength was not as weak as she imagined.

Moreover, she has a feeling that what Zimeng is going to say next will definitely send her to the [-]th floor of hell!
"What nonsense are you talking about? The first time I met you, why would I want to kill you? Don't confuse the public here!"

Dongyanglian stretched out her lotus finger, and pointed at Zimeng dissatisfied. Zimeng continued to move forward and kept approaching her. She quickly took her hand back.

Zimeng smiled lightly, she really took her hand back fast enough, if she slowed down, Zimeng was going to chop her hand off!

"Am I wrong? Because, you see that I am close to Bei Liyang, and you think I am Bei Liyang's best friend, so you really want to kill me, don't you?"

Zi Meng's undisguised words made Bei Liyang's face flush suddenly, what is his girlfriend?

He knew that Zimeng didn't hide it when she said these words, but what occasion is this now?Where there are so many big figures, can't she restrain herself a little?
Feeling the fiery gaze from all around, Bei Liyang lowered his head, wishing he could find a crack in the ground and get in!

Gu Qingli stretched out his hand meaningfully, and patted Bei Liyang's shoulder. Bei Liyang should have been used to this kind of situation.

This look looks a little too wronged, right?No, are you too shy?

Being teased by his little aunt like this, he blushed like this!
"You..." Not only Bei Liyang, but even Dongyang Lian on the stage blushed, but Zi Meng didn't seem to notice at all what she said shouldn't be said.

As for the whispering voices in the audience, Zi Meng wasn't interested at all, so she automatically chose not to hear them!

"You are too shameless, you can say such words!" Dongyang Lian frowned and looked at Zi Meng, her disgusted eyes were very obvious.

Zimeng blinked innocently, shameless?It's just that she is Bei Liyang's best friend, what's there to be ashamed of?
Moreover, if she said that she was Bei Liyang's girlfriend, would anyone understand?What a girlfriend is, they must not know, right?
So, she doesn't seem to be wrong, does she?

No, Zimeng shook her head violently, she was overthinking it a bit, she is now Bei Liyang's aunt, what kind of acquaintance, female friend?

"If I want to be shameless, it has nothing to do with you. However, there is an account. I think we have to settle it now."

Zimeng stopped in the middle of the competition stage, looking at Dongyanglian very calmly.

Although the battle between Zimeng and Dongyanglian was a bit different, none of the onlookers spoke, and there was silence, listening to what Zimeng was going to say next.

I have to say that in today's society, there are really a lot of people who gossip!

"I am the eldest daughter of the Dongyang family, and you are just the adopted daughter of the Beili family. What kind of grievances can there be between you and me?"

Dongyang Lian took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and looked at Zi Meng, Zi Meng looked at her calmly, as if she knew she would say that.

"Some time ago, when I was looking for spirit beasts, I saw you push me into the whirlwind with my own eyes. Could it be that I remembered it wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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