Chapter 1274 Zi Meng Poisoned
Di Yuanmo stepped forward, looking at Zi Meng's pale face with distress, Zi Meng smiled at him, "Yuan, I'm hungry."

"I'm going to make you something to eat, what do you want to eat?" Di Yuanmo hugged Zimeng, ignored the others, and left here with Zimeng.

On the other hand, Ling Siyun walked into the room very carelessly, and together with Ren Yuqing cleaned up the blood that was flowing on the ground, and then cleaned up the wound on Ren Yuhao's body.

"I think brother's breathing seems to be much more stable, isn't it?" Ren Yuqing looked at Ling Siyun and spoke softly, Ling Siyun nodded slightly, agreeing with Ren Yuqing's words.

Indeed, perhaps because a lot of toxins in his body have been discharged, Ren Yuhao's breathing has become much more stable, and his complexion has also improved a lot.

"You just take me away like this, is it really okay?" Zi Meng hugged Di Yuanmo, looking at him helplessly.

"It's okay." Di Yuanmo replied softly.

"It's okay with you?" Zimeng rolled her eyes, she really didn't know how to talk to this guy.

They left like this, the few left behind must be very helpless, right?They must have a lot of questions to ask, but in the end, nothing was asked, and they must be very depressed.

"I don't care how other people take care of you, as long as you're okay, but you don't look like you're okay now, so I'm very angry!" Di Yuanmo looked down at Zimeng, very angry. The serious words made the corners of Zimeng's mouth twitch.

Although her complexion is not very good, she is really fine, she is just a little tired, should this guy be so serious?
"That..." Zimeng wanted to explain, yes, Di Yuanmo no longer looked at her, and she could only curl her lips and swallowed all the words.

Di Yuanmo is angry, now, it's better not to provoke him, wait for her to rest, and then settle the score with Di Yuanmo!
After Di Yuanmo sent Zimeng back to the room, he put him on the bed directly, "You stay here to rest obediently, and I'll go and prepare food for you."

Di Yuanmo squeezed Zi Mengxin's small face, looked at Zi Meng and nodded before he left, Zi Meng couldn't help but sighed, and raised his hand to look at his somewhat blackened wrist.

"Master, why did you get poisoned?" Mu Xi got out from the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars, looking at Zi Meng's hand, feeling a little worried.

"I don't know, maybe I accidentally touched a poisonous silver needle." Zi Meng smiled at Mu Xi, she didn't know when she got poisoned, but after treating Ren Yuhao, she felt a little Something wasn't right, so, after taking a look, I didn't expect this to be the case.

I didn't say it all the time, because I was afraid that Di Yuanmo would be worried if he knew it, so he said that he was hungry, and when Di Yuanmo went to prepare food for her, he asked Mu Xi to come out to help her detoxify.

"It's okay, Master, don't be afraid. With Mu Xi here, this bit of poison is nothing to worry about." Mu Xi patted his small chest, opened his small mouth, revealing two sharp teeth, without hesitation Bite Zimeng's wrist.

Zi Meng felt a tingling pain, Mu Xi's teeth had pierced into her skin, and then, she saw that the black on her wrist was disappearing little by little.

After the toxins were completely absorbed by Mu Xi, Mu Xi's teeth were pulled out from Zi Meng's wrist, and then, standing in front of Zi Meng, he licked the blood stains on his lips with an expression that was still unfinished.

(End of this chapter)

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