Chapter 1279 Worship
Di Yuanmo nodded amusedly, watched Zimeng lay down, and then he couldn't help sighing, he really didn't know when he and Zimeng could live a good life.

No trouble, no one bothering, just the two of them...

No, except for the two of them, and their children, they live together.

However, children always grow up and leave them, so it's still only the two of them, living a carefree life, that's what he wants.

If Zimeng doesn't want to stay in one place all the time, then they can go out and play around, that's not bad.

Thinking of the perfect day with just the two of them, Di Yuanmo couldn't help but smile slightly on his face.

——Heat Little Doctor——

When Zimeng was sleeping, Ling Siyun and Ren Yuqing were sitting together.

"Miss Ling..." Ren Yuqing looked at Ling Siyun with sparkling eyes.

"You can just call me Siyun, girl girl is not awkward enough." Ling Siyun directly interrupted Ren Yuqing.

What Ren Yuqing was about to say was suddenly interrupted by Ling Siyun, she didn't know what to say next, she blinked at Ling Siyun.

Seeing her appearance, Ling Siyun laughed: "Don't worry, think slowly, there is a lot of time."

"Oh... By the way, what I want to ask you is, was the poison on my body detoxified in this way before?" Ren Yuqing thought for a while, and then became excited again.

"It's also a little different, but Zimeng is still exhausted. Seeing how energetic you are now, she will be very pleased."

Ling Siyun smiled and said that Ren Yuqing's and Ren Yuhao's detoxification methods, although only some of them are the same, but Zimeng just started to try, but she was still exhausted.

"Why?" Ren Yuqing was puzzled, why did Zi Meng feel relieved in her spirit?
"Because she has worked so hard for so long, isn't it in vain? Look at you now, you seem to be fine."

Ling Siyun compared her hands from top to bottom, letting Ren Yuqing know that she is healthy now.

Ren Yuqing lowered her head and looked at her body. Now, there is indeed nothing wrong, but Ling Siyun said that there is still a little residual poison in her body, and she cannot practice for the time being.

But think about it, she is still alive, and many people are dead, Ren Yuqing suddenly feels that she is very lucky.

"The detoxification method used by Miss Zimeng, will you also know it?" Ren Yuqing smiled and looked at Ling Siyun happily.

Ling Siyun shook her head slightly, regretting, "To be honest, I asked her to teach me before, but I couldn't learn it, so I can only help her every time."

Speaking of this, Ling Siyun just wanted to cry. It's not that Zimeng never taught her, but no matter how hard she tried, she only learned a little bit.

"However, when I saw you help just now, you were amazing. If only I could do the same." Ren Yuqing looked at Ling Siyun adoringly, and the corners of Ling Siyun's mouth twitched.

What is it called great? Zimeng is really powerful, okay?Zimeng is the one to admire.

"Miss Zimeng is too powerful. I can only look up and worship her. I can't use it on her. Anyway, she is also a benefactor of our Ren family, so I'd better worship you."

As if seeing Ling Siyun's thoughts, Ren Yuqing looked up at the sky helplessly, and opened her mouth quietly, Ling Siyun laughed.

That's right, they can no longer describe Zimeng's ability as admiration.

(End of this chapter)

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