Chapter 1282

Seeing Ling Siyun's calm look, Zi Meng could think that they must have already talked about it, why does this child still want to learn these things from her?

"Well, if you really want to, it's fine, but I'm not sure if I can teach you." Zimeng touched her nose, and said uncomfortably. Looking at her, Ling Siyun couldn't help but snickered. .

However, soon, under the threat of Zimeng's eyes, she pretended to be serious, and no matter who she was, she could see that she was holding back a smile.

"Just kidding, Siyun told me that your knowledge is very difficult. She has studied it for a long time, but she hasn't learned much. So, how can a layman like me learn it well?"

Ren Yuqing looked at Zimeng embarrassedly, and Zimeng smiled, "Although you can't learn those troublesome things, you can learn some simple self-protection skills."

Zimeng watched Ren Yuqing touch her chin and thought for a while, then slowly opened her mouth, and immediately, Ren Yuqing's eyes began to sparkle again.

"Self-protection ability?"

"Well, to put it simply, if you are out of the house, if you are poisoned, you can prevent the toxin from spreading, and if you are injured, you can control the blood of the willow tree. In this way, at least you can guarantee that you can survive until someone rescues you."

Zimeng nodded, and began to explain to Ren Yuqing what to do. Ren Yuqing listened carefully, but there were still many things she didn't understand.

As for Ling Siyun, she had learned a lot from Zimeng. Although these things did not allow Ling Siyun to save people like Zimeng, she still knew how to protect herself.

Although Ren Yuqing didn't fully learn it, afterward, Zi Meng handed over the task of teaching Ren Yuqing to Ling Siyun. Anyway, Ling Siyun had already learned these things.

And Zi Meng continued to detoxify Ren Yuhao. The toxin in Ren Yuhao's meridians may take a long time. Now, all he has to do is to come in a little bit.

Therefore, Zimeng has worked hard for a long time, but only excreted part of the toxins.

"Brother hasn't woken up yet?" Ren Yuqing looked at Ren Yuqing worriedly, Zi Meng nodded slightly, she didn't know why, logically speaking, Ren Yuhao should be able to wake up, but he didn't wake up all the time, What exactly happened?
"There are too many wounds in his body, and he is recovering from the wounds in his body through sleep." Zi Meng didn't know what was going on, but Di Yuanmo knew, and he opened his mouth to explain for Zi Meng.

"It's really a good idea!" After hearing this, Zimeng actually laughed, and seeing Zimeng smiling, Di Yuanmo also had a smile on his face.

Seeing the smile on Di Yuanmo's face, Ren Yuqing swallowed her saliva, then reached out and patted Ling Siyun's shoulder, Ling Siyun turned to look at her.

"I said, have you ever said that he is so beautiful? It's even more beautiful than a woman, it's too scary." Ren Yuqing spoke softly, Ling Siyun covered her mouth and laughed, she really knew how to tell the truth.

That's true, Di Yuanmo's beauty is obvious to all, but in Di Yuanmo's eyes, apart from Zi Meng, he can't tolerate any woman at all.

Therefore, no matter how many women like him, it is useless.

"I advise you, it's best not to fall in love with him, otherwise, you will definitely be hurt." Ling Siyun patted Ren Yuqing's shoulder earnestly, reminding Ren Yuqing that she must never love God Yuanmo.

(End of this chapter)

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