Chapter 1288 Trouble (6)

Zimeng's face was full of smiles, but Chu Xia's face turned pale with fright, and the old man in the sky landed directly from the sky, walked to Chu Xia's side, and looked at Chu Xia.

"Hand over the antidote! Otherwise, I'll kill you." He seemed to see that Zi Meng was not lying, so he looked at Zi Meng viciously, and was ready to attack at any time.

"I said there is no antidote." Zi Meng said lightly, shrugging.

What she said was the truth, there was indeed no antidote, the poison was refined by Chu Yun, Chu Yun was already dead, and she didn't know what ingredients were in the medicines that Chu Yun refined, so...

Now, she doesn't know how to make the antidote.

Even if they wanted an antidote, she couldn't find it. This was simply embarrassing her.

"If you don't hand over the antidote, you will die!" A fierce light flashed in the old man's eyes, and he rushed directly to Zimeng. At the same time, soil thorns suddenly appeared at Zimeng's feet, as if to Kill Zimeng directly.

As for Zimeng, she has the power of the earth on her body, and she can feel any movement in the ground, so before those earth thorns appeared, Zimeng had already jumped up and dodged the attack.

Stopping in the air, several vines rose up and weaved together, Zi Meng stood there steadily, Zi Meng had stopped the attack of the trees below.

This old man's strength is not bad, these people running around here can only get in the way, and she, suddenly, really wants to have a good fight with this old man.

"Yuan, I'll leave them to you. Just leave this person to me." Zi Meng lowered her head and looked down at Di Yuanmo who was looking at her. Di Yuanmo nodded slightly.

And those people were very surprised when they saw the scene in front of them, and they didn't dare to move forward. Di Yuanmo also exuded a faint murderous aura, which made them all feel that among Zi Meng and Di Yuanmo, Di Yuanmo Mo is the one they should be careful about.

The old man who attacked Zimeng didn't expect Zimeng's reaction to be so fast. He thought that what he did was already very secretive, but he didn't expect that Zimeng could dodge so quickly.

"Although I don't like to be troubled by people all day long, but for those who always make trouble, I will not let them go easily." Zi Meng lowered her head and looked at the old man who suddenly attacked her.

"If you attack her, I will naturally not let you go." The old man did not back down at all, and stretched out his hand, ready to continue attacking Zimeng.

However, Zimeng looked at him motionless, the ground shook slightly, which made him aware, and when he looked down, vine-like plants were rapidly spreading on the ground.

Those plants, like weaving a net, quickly covered the ground.

The old man couldn't help frowning, with these plants, his strength could hardly be used.

His ability is soil, but these plants blocked his magic. It has to be said that he underestimated Zimeng. Unexpectedly, Zimeng was able to find his weakness through one of his attacks.

However, he sneered, although Zimeng found his weakness, but he didn't know that when he reached his strength, he would not only know one or two types of magic.

Therefore, Zimeng surprised him, and he would also surprise Zimeng.

If you can't use the earth magic, then use something else. If you can't use the earth magic, then use the fire magic. Zimeng's magician Mu, fire can definitely restrain it.

(End of this chapter)

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