Chapter 1315 Very Interested
Although, every time, Di Yuanmo was unwilling to talk to her, but he gradually discovered that although Di Xueyuan was his younger sister, she was not at all like his father, selfish only thinking about herself.

And Di Yuanmo gradually began to try to accept this younger sister.

"I heard that you are already married, isn't it? What kind of person is that woman? Is she nice to you?" Di Xueyuan didn't know why, but suddenly brought up Zimeng, and Di Yuanmo raised her head fiercely, frowning. With Di Xueyuan.

"I said, how should I say, I am also your sister, can you stop looking at me with such dangerous eyes? I am very scared." Di Xueyuan was really a little scared when Di Yuanmo looked at her, so she was a little nervous He looked at Di Yuanmo.

"Who told you about her?" Di Yuanmo said coldly.

"It was said by people outside. I just overheard it. I am just interested. I really want to know what kind of person my future sister-in-law is. Although it is the first time we have met, I don't want to miss my sister-in-law." The future sister-in-law is a completely unreliable woman."

Di Xueyuan looked at Di Yuanmo very seriously, and didn't feel that Di Yuanmo's appearance just now was anything scary.

Just thinking of Zimeng, Di Yuanmo's face showed the tenderness that Di Xueyuan had seen for the first time in so long.

"She is a very peculiar girl. There will always be many new discoveries around her. In her eyes, there is no difference between the poor and the rich. As long as sick people come to her, she will Eat and sleep to help them.

Even if her eyes are not on me, but as long as I look at her, everything is not a big deal, and the hatred and murderous intent towards this place in my heart will disappear..."

Di Yuanmo got up, walked to the window, looked at the starry sky outside the window, and murmured, when he talked about Zimeng, he seemed to have endless words, which made Di Xueyuan very curious about this, and wanted to see it for himself. See what kind of person her sister-in-law is.

"Could it be, don't you miss her?" Di Xueyuan said softly.

"She must be on the way to find me now. If she meets these people, she may be in danger." Di Yuanmo didn't know whether he was talking to Di Xueyuan or himself.

"How about this, I will sneak out to find her, and let her know that you are safe now?" After Di Xueyuan thought about it seriously, she looked at Di Yuanmo, who frowned. He didn't know whether he should Believe in Di Xueyuan.

But now, he really needs someone to inform Zimeng that she is fine.

"If possible." Di Yuanmo looked at Di Xueyuan and said softly, Di Xueyuan nodded slightly, then, biting her lip, seriously thought about how to get out of here.

Her father was very strict with her and hardly let her go out. In fact, she herself knew why, it was so that she could marry the person they needed in the future.

She was not allowed to go out because she was afraid that she would fall in love with other men and something would happen. No matter what happened, her father would take it into his own hands.

"I'm very interested in this sister-in-law, so no matter what, I will go to her, I don't believe I can't get out, hum!!"

After thinking about it, Di Xueyuan saw the opportunity and slipped out, and quickly went to the road to find Meng. At this time, Zi Meng didn't know about it. On the road, she was having fun with Yin Chenxi. Suzaku followed behind them helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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