Chapter 1317 Emperor Xueyuan Poisoned

Zimeng walked all the way, but she was extremely leisurely. When she saw someone injured, or a monster was injured, she would help.

Although she admires Zi Meng's ability to govern people, what time is it now?Should it be time to save Di Yuanmo?

However, Zimeng never cared about it. Along the way, she kept injuring people, which made Di Xueyuan very anxious. At the same time, she also became more curious about Zimeng.

At that time, when she left home to look for Zimeng, Di Xueyuan found Zimeng easily, maybe because Di Yuanmo said that Zimeng was on the way to find him, and knew where Zimeng came from. Here it comes, so follow the road and find it in no time.

However, when she saw Zimeng, Di Xueyuan was a little disappointed. She always felt that Zimeng didn't love Di Yuanmo as deeply as Di Yuanmo loved her.

But during this period of time, after getting along with her, she felt that Zimeng was very strange. Although she felt that Zimeng didn't really love Di Yuanmo, she had been heading towards where Di Yuanmo was.

Zimeng, who was walking in front, stopped suddenly, turned her head and looked around vigilantly.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng's appearance, walked up to her, and whispered.

"Something is coming, be careful." Zi Meng said lightly, Yin Chenxi and the others became vigilant.

Di Xueyuan looked around, and she also felt movement around her, but because she seldom went out, she didn't know what it was.

All of a sudden, many large and small black bugs surrounded Zimeng and the others from all directions.

"Toxic." Zi Meng narrowed her eyes slightly, looking at the bugs, Suzaku took a step forward, and protected Zi Meng behind her, Zi Meng smiled faintly, there were bugs in all directions, it was useless for Suzaku to protect her behind her, right? ?
There was no need for Zimeng to speak, several people started to attack, but there were too many bugs, and there was no way to completely get rid of them for a while. Seeing the densely packed appearance of those bugs, Suzaku was suddenly very angry. The bugs are all gone.

Although they can guard against the ones on the ground, they cannot guard against the ones falling from the trees.

A few bugs fell from the tree, Zi Meng waved her hand, and the silver needles were thrown out, fixing the bugs directly on the tree pole, then, she walked over, carefully observed the bugs, and pulled out the silver needles to look at them again. , the silver needles have already turned black, which shows how powerful these poisons are.

"I always feel a little dizzy, is it my illusion?" Just as Zimeng and the others were observing the bugs, Di Xueyuan's weak voice came from behind.

Zimeng turned to look at Di Xueyuan, but frowned fiercely, walked quickly to Di Xueyuan's side, pierced a few silver needles into Di Xueyuan's body, and then looked at the surrounding environment .

"We need to change the environment now. It's not safe here. We need to detoxify her quickly, otherwise, she will be in trouble." Zi Meng said, looking at Suzaku, Suzaku understood, grabbed Di Xueyuan's collar, and flew up , to find a safe place.

Zi Meng and the others hurriedly followed, and when they reached a safe place, Zi Meng drove Gu Fanjing and Suzaku out.

"Chenxi, take off her shirt." Zimeng took out a small scalpel in her hand, and began to disinfect it carefully on the lit fire, and Yin Chenxi had already quickly taken off her shirt.

(End of this chapter)

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