Chapter 1320
Zimeng's detoxification took a very long time, but the toxins in her body were gradually decreasing. Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng quietly. Although she was very grateful to Zimeng, she was still very worried. .

It's not that she doesn't believe in Zimeng, but that what Zimeng showed along the way didn't make Di Xueyuan feel the slightest worry about Di Yuanmo.

Although Di Xueyuan admitted that Zi Meng was a good person and a good friend, she didn't think that Di Yuanmo would be really happy with her.

Therefore, Di Xueyuan still did not tell Zimeng her true identity.

After Zimeng woke up and ate something, Mu Xi sucked up the remaining poison in Zimeng's body in the sea of ​​sun, moon and stars.

"Master, next time, as long as I go out on the horse, you don't want to work so hard, okay?" On the top of the tree, Zi Meng looked up at the stars in the sky, and Mu Xi stood beside her, looking at her with some worry.

"Okay." Zi Meng lowered her head and smiled at Mu Xi, then raised her head and continued to look at the stars in the sky.

"Master, what are you thinking?" Mu Xi looked up, looked at Zi Meng, and asked in confusion.

"It's okay, but after so many days, I don't know how Yuan is doing." Zi Meng frowned, Mu Xi looked at Zi Meng, but didn't know how to comfort her.

Zi Meng sat there quietly for a while, then reached out and rubbed Mu Xi's head lightly. It had been such a long time, Zi Meng was a little worried, would something happen to Di Yuanmo, and was he waiting for her?
She should have gone to find Di Yuanmo earlier, but she didn't know where Di Yuanmo was, nor did she know what happened to Di Yuanmo.

"Zimeng, come down and rest for a while, don't stand on the top of the tree and blow the air." Yin Chenxi stood under the tree, looked up at Zimeng, Zimeng looked down at her, and jumped down.

"I'm fine now, don't worry, but we can't continue to be so leisurely, it's time to find Yuan, Suzaku, let's move on, first go and see where Qinglong and the others are, after you find them, go Come back to us."

Zimeng watched Suzaku speak softly, Suzaku nodded, and left instantly, while Zimeng sat with Yin Chenxi and the others in a daze.

Di Xueyuan looked at them, very puzzled, what is it like sitting here in a daze?

"Chen Xi..." Zi Meng, who was still quiet just now, suddenly spoke, and the three of them looked over at the same time.

"What's wrong?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng.

Zimeng's expression was a bit serious, which made Yin Chenxi feel that what she was going to say must not be a good thing, and she wanted to interrupt Zimeng's speech directly.

"If you want us to go back or something, you'd better not say it. Even if you did, we will pretend that we didn't hear it." Gu Fanjing spoke before Zimeng spoke, and Zimeng sighed. Take a breath.

What she wanted to say was to let them leave. To be honest, the quieter the past few days, the more Zimeng felt that the danger was approaching, and if the danger came, it would definitely not be a simple danger.

Therefore, she wanted Yin Chenxi and the others to leave, and she didn't want Yin Chenxi and the others to suffer because of their affairs.

"Zimeng, you don't really want us to leave, do you?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng's helpless face, and immediately got up and looked at her anxiously. Seeing her anxious look, Yin Chenxi nodded slightly, It was admitted.

(End of this chapter)

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