Chapter 1322 Good Listener

The smile on Zimeng's face gradually disappeared. Although she was very happy to see Di Yuanmo soon, she was very worried whether Di Yuanmo had suffered during this time.

The mood swing made Zimeng feel helpless, but soon, she was relieved. Now, no matter how worried she was, it was useless. The most important thing was that they could meet soon.

No matter who took him away, she would not let him go easily, and she was very angry at taking Di Yuanmo away from her.

"Is she okay?" Yin Chenxi turned to look at Di Xueyuan, who was wandering away again, feeling a little worried.

"I don't know what's going on, this girl, from the time she was poisoned to now, seems to have something on her mind all the time, often alone in a daze, I first asked her if she had something on her mind, but then, I felt like she was inquiring about someone's private affairs. Zi Meng shrugged helplessly.

She has already seen that something is wrong with Di Xueyuan, but everyone has something on their minds, so they can't easily inquire about it, right?

Just like her, there are some things that she can't let Di Xueyuan know, so she doesn't know how to ask Di Xueyuan.

"I think it should be all right? We've been walking for a long time, so she should consider us friends too?" Yin Chenxi looked at Zimeng, then turned to look at Di Xueyuan who hadn't recovered yet.

"That's right, let me ask. If there is something wrong, we can help her." Zimeng sighed, and slowly walked towards Di Xueyuan. After walking a few steps, Zimeng suddenly stopped and looked at her. The profile of Di Xueyuan.

For some reason, Zimeng suddenly felt that, looking at it this way, the profile of Xueyuan was somewhat similar to that of Di Yuanmo.

This discovery made Zimeng's heart jump suddenly.

"How could this be?" Zimeng lowered her head and thought for a while, a thought flashed in her mind, but Zimeng shook her head lightly and drove the thought out. After calming down, she Lifting her feet, she walked to Di Xueyuan and sat down.

"Xueyuan?" Zimeng softly called Xueyuan's name.

"Ah? What's the matter?" Obviously, Di Xueyuan was startled by Zimeng.

"What's wrong with you? You seem to have something on your mind the past few days, are you okay?" Zimeng looked at Di Xueyuan helplessly, and Di Xueyuan blinked at Zimeng.

Zimeng raised her eyebrows lightly, she was asking a question with a smile, right?Why did Di Xueyuan look at her in a daze?

In desperation, Zi Meng waved her hand and waved it in front of her eyes, Di Xueyuan came back to her senses suddenly.

"Are you really okay?" Zimeng looked at her worriedly.

"It's okay, I'm really fine, don't worry, I'm just thinking about something." Di Xueyuan smiled at Zimeng with some embarrassment, and Zimeng raised her eyebrows.

"Well, since you said it's okay, then I won't ask. If you want to say something, call me at any time. Although, I don't know what's on your mind, and I don't know if I can help you, but as long as you want to Say, feel free to tell me, I think, I'll be a good listener."

Zimeng smiled at Di Xueyuan, and was about to leave. Looking at Zimeng's figure, Di Xueyuan bit her lip, a little tangled, "Well, Zimeng, can we talk?"

Di Xueyuan opened her mouth suddenly, looked at Zimeng, Zimeng turned her head and smiled at her, then walked back to her and sat down, looked at her, then, without saying anything, waited for Di Xueyuan to speak first , but she lowered her head with a troubled face.

(End of this chapter)

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