Chapter 1324 My name is Di Xueyuan

How could she not know that Zimeng was worried?At the beginning, when Gu Fanjing was injured, she was also very worried, but fortunately, Zimeng healed his injury and detoxified him, otherwise, no one would know if Gu Fanjing was dead or alive now.

"Didn't you say it yourself? Even if it's for you, he will protect his own safety. What are you worried about?" Gu Fanjing looked at Zimeng's worried look, and said helplessly, Zimeng Meng turned her head and gave him a blank look.

"Senior brother, just stop talking a few words, people are worried now, okay?" Yin Chenxi raised his hand and pushed Gu Fanjing aside, Zimeng couldn't help laughing while watching this scene.

In fact, what Gu Fanjing said was also correct, even if it was for her, Di Yuanmo would protect her own safety, so now, she must have confidence in herself first.

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, struggled for a while, and walked over, no matter whether Zimeng would be angry or not, she must make it clear to Zimeng, and she must not make Zimeng worry.

"Zimeng, I..." Before Di Xueyuan could speak, Zimeng and the others felt the aura coming from all around, a very dangerous aura.

Zimeng and the others immediately gathered back to back, looking around vigilantly.

Di Xueyuan's body trembled involuntarily, and then hid behind Zimeng.

Zimeng sensed the change in Di Xueyuan, and turned to look at Di Xueyuan. Zimeng was very puzzled by her panicked expression.

"Xueyuan, do you know those people who came here?" Zimeng asked in a low voice, Di Xueyuan's body trembled suddenly, and she nodded slightly.

"Be careful, these people are very strong." Di Xueyuan stood behind Zimeng and reminded her in a low voice. Zimeng and Gu Fanjing all looked at Di Xueyuan.

Although they were all suspicious of something, they didn't ask any more questions, they were just wary of attacks from people around them.

Soon, several heavily armed people appeared in front of them. Looking at those people, Zimeng was a little puzzled. These people looked like soldiers in the army, not ordinary guards. What's going on?

"I don't know why everyone blocked our way?" Gu Fanjing stepped forward and looked at those people, but those people looked at Di Xueyuan arrogantly as if they didn't see him.

"Miss Xueyuan, please come back with us." The cold tone made Zimeng frowned, but she didn't get angry, and moved her steps to block Di Xueyuan behind her.

Di Xueyuan looked at Zimeng, her eyes were reddish, there was no way, no one had ever protected her like Zimeng.

Everyone thinks that she is very noble, and no one dares to bully her, but who knows her real situation?
"What do you mean? I advise you, it's best not to meddle in other people's business." The man looked at Zimeng's actions with disdain.

"Zimeng, forget it, don't fight hard with them, I am very happy to meet you, there are some things, I may tell you if I come or not, there is a saying, you have to remember, my name is Di Xueyuan, he is very good ,I have been waiting for you."

Di Xueyuan's hand rested lightly on Zimeng's shoulder, and before Zimeng turned her head, she whispered in Zimeng's ear.

The moment she heard her name, Zimeng froze, Di Xueyuan, Di Yuanmo, there must be some relationship between them.

Moreover, the him that Di Xueyuan spoke of must also be referring to Di Yuanmo.

"Don't embarrass them, the person you are looking for is me, I will go back with you."

(End of this chapter)

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